'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 12 Preview: Markovians ascend invasion of Freeland, is ASA ready to help?

The Markovian invasion has thus far been largely held by an ASA-occupied Freeland. It would appear, however, that the time for waiting has passed, as the Markovians finally make their move, and take the fight straight to Black Lightning (Cress Williams), his family, and to all of Freeland.
The Markovians have captured Lynn (Christine Adams), who has just found a way to temporarily synthesize metahuman powers - something that the Markovians would stop at nothing to be able to control. Black Lightning finds himself teaming up with the ASA to end the fight with the Markovians once and for all and regain freedom for Freeland.
According to the official synopsis, "Jefferson (Cress Williams) and Anissa (Nafessa Williams) join forces with the ASA to help one of their own. Meanwhile, Lynn (Christine Adams) is forced to continue battling her demons. China Anne McClain, James Remar, Damon Gupton, Marvin Jones III, and Jordan Calloway also star."
The CW also released a trailer for the upcoming episode, which will be Chapter 3 in the 'Book of Markovia'. The promo features Lynn, who looks to be at her lowest point, with her addiction at its strongest, captured by the Markovians, and brought face to face with Dr. Jace (Jennifer Riker). Jefferson Pierce is also organizing the people of Freeland to work with the ASA in order to rally together against Markovia. The trailer also sees Jen (China Ann McClain) shock Brandon (Jahking Guillory), though given that he tends to absorb her electricity rather than be harmed by it, he's probably fine.
Check out the trailer below:
With this episode being the penultimate chapter of 'The Book of Markovia', it's all coming to a head, and soon. Will the fight between Markovia and Freeland earn Freeland its freedom - or spell out its doom?
'The Book of Markovia: Chapter 3' - Season 3, Episode 12 of 'Black Lightning' - airs February 3 on The CW.