'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 10: Lynn's addiction takes a turn for the worse and fans are very concerned

'Crisis on Infinite Earths' has changed the Multiverse in a lot of ways, including the merging of several Earths into one Earth-Prime. Each of the post-Crisis CW Arrowverse shows that have aired so far have shown that their post-Crisis worlds have changed in major ways.
Some things, however, remain just as they are, in the case of Lynn's (Christine Adams) addiction, most fans wish the Anti-Matter Wave erased that particular plot point.
Lynn Stewart looks especially haggard this episode, and her need for Green Light has gone from being an intelligence booster to being a substance she desperately needs, and she's no longer able to hide it.
We see her screaming at her own daughter, Jennifer (China Ann McClain), for knocking over a vial of Lynn's remaining Green Light. Lynn's desperation for more Green Light looks so bad it even left many fans wondering whether she would take the Green Light from off the floor.
Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) also finds out about her addiction, and in a heated fight, she slaps him for keeping a dose of Green Light away from her. It's definitely Lynn's lowest point, and fans are worried.
"Lord have mercy, Lynn needs some serious help. This is breaking my heart," wrote one Twitter user. The scenes with Lynn struck fans hard, with one tweeting, "That other crisis wasn't so bad after all."
Indeed, with all the ways that the Crisis has rewritten reality, many fans wish that it could have undone Lynn's addiction, as well. "So Diggle gets his lost daughter Sara back, Kate gets a non-evil sister, but Lynn still addicted to Green Light?" one tweet said.
"Geez, the reset universe could have at least cured Lynn’s addiction," said another. With no cosmic rewritings for Lynn's story, many fans are hoping she will get herself to some version of Green Light rehab, and soon.
"I'm ready for Lynn to be in recovery now, thanks," said a fan, who isn't alone. While Freeland may still be under occupation, it's Lynn's battle with addiction that has just become a central concern for much of the show's audience.
The next episode of 'Black Lightning' airs on January 27 on The CW.