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'Black Ink Crew: Chicago': Miriah and Prince fight over betrayal and her abortion

Miriah is strong enough to prioritize what she wants out of life but Prince isn't half as invested in their relationship. What now?
Miriah and Prince in 'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' (VH1)
Miriah and Prince in 'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' (VH1)

There's something about drama-filled reality shows with petty fights that are quite immature but almost impossible to stop watching! It's safe to say that, 'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' is a classic example for such shows. In the recent episode that aired on December 6 Charmaine's friend Miriah and her boyfriend, tattoo artist Prince Spencer, argue about their toxic relationship. 
The reality show throws light on the day-to-day operations of 9Mag tattoo shop's crew as they overcome struggles they face in the industry. The real competition seems to be among the crew members themselves via dramatic exits, fallout, and bad-mouthing one another. It doesn't get better than this!

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In this episode we see Charmaine and Miriah meet at a launch party at Charmaine's tattoo shop, 2nd City Ink. It's been over two weeks since the girls last met and the talk they had back then revolved solely around Prince and the way he was behaving toward Mirah and in general not being the slightest bit ideal. When Draya talks to Mirah about her side of the story, explaining that she and Prince were never an item, the guy butts in and sits right in between them as if to show that he wanted in on the conversation. 

After Draya leaves, what was expected from Prince was a long overdue and sincerely meaningful apology to Miriah, for leaving her high and dry as of recent. Instead, he took his anger out on her for taking Charmaine's side and not considering his feelings.

To this, Miriah was quick to snap with the facts; Prince wasn't by her side when she was pregnant, although she tried reaching him on the phone nonstop. She also adds that she ended up getting an abortion, solely because she doesn't want to raise a child by herself, that too, with no support from Prince whatsoever. Ironically, Prince yells back saying she was selfish to not have thought about his feelings regarding their child. 

What's next to expect on the show? Stay tuned for new episodes of Season 7 of 'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' every Monday at 8 pm ET on VH1.