Bill Maher hailed for slamming Dems for focusing on woke terms for women rather than WOMEN'S ISSUES!

Bill Maher recently slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for losing the debate on abortion owing to the kind of terms she used, including "pregnant people". Hours after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, Maher said on his show 'Real Time with Bill Maher' on Friday, June 24, that although abortion is a difficult issue for the Democrats to lose on, they are trying. He warned that the party could not count on traditional support from minority groups any longer. He also said that Latin-Americans' voting preference was just as "fluid" as AOC claims gender is.
"For decades, liberals have said, 'If only men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be an issue,' and 'abortion rights are women's rights.' Well, that's wrong now," Maher said. "When the wokey end of the progressive spectrum talks about abortion now, they shy away from the word 'women' and prefer terms like 'birthing people' or 'people who menstruate' because somewhere there's a trans man who's pregnant and I say good for him - and I'll be looking for his story somewhere in a future issue of Ripley's Believe it or Not."
Maher added, "Oh Democrats, let's take the first f****** word a human animal understands: 'mama' - and replace it with something best understood by four Trotskyites at Berkeley." Maher also claimed that the party is being made to focus on various clients and many groups are using the Democratic Party as their own personal lawmakers.
Maher noted that recently, Democrats lost a special election in a majority Hispanic neighborhood in Texas - apparently for the first time in over 150 years. "Their message to you was, 'I'm an American now. I'm here. Be my lawyer, not the lawyer for the migrant showing up in my backyard," he said.
Maher then went on to speak about AOC, who defended the use of the word 'latinx' despite the fact that polling shows it is extremely unpopular with Hispanics. "AOC keeps saying 'Gender is fluid. Language is fluid.' Yes, and Latino voters are fluid," Maher said.

Maher accused Asian Americans of becoming more Republican. He went on to put the blame on Democrat-proposed policies that seek to eliminate advanced education programs "in the name of achieving equity". He also blamed it on schools being kept shut for prolonged periods during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Further, hitting back at President Joe Biden's efforts to eliminate billions of dollars in student loan debt, Maher said, "The poorer two-thirds of American kids who don't get a college degree are gonna say, 'Why should the people who didn't go to college and make less money subsidize the people who did go and want more. You want me to chip in so some liberal arts college can build a bigger rock wall? You're not my lawyer.'"
Maher then blasted a universal basic income program in West Hollywood which was said to be unconstitutional because all the money was given away to LGBTQ community members. "Why?' Maher asked. "Because they need more money than any other people? Because no one in West Hollywood will hire a gay person."
"As with all these issues, the wavering voter is saying to her lawyer, the Democratic Party, 'Hey, so happy for you that you have so many other clients and that you care so much about their problems, and all the pro bono work you do, but you're supposed to be my lawyer," he said. "The Democrats have to be like the lawyers you see on billboards: 'You hurt? We fight!' 'Injured, get the Gorilla,' 'Minsy makes them pay!' and my favorite 'Just because you did it doesn't mean you're guilty."
"It doesn't? I think it does. But that's the thing about a lawyer: Their clients don't care if they shade the truth. They care about winning," he added. "You know what I want the Democratic Party to do? Win on the Trump issue. Finish what you started with the January 6 hearings, and make sure the guy who absolutely will try to steal the next election can't run in it. That's what I want my lawyer to do."
The internet loved Maher's monologue, with many taking to social media to appreciate him. "This monologue is so well written, regardless of if I agree or disagree with various stances within it," one user wrote on YouTube. "BRILLIANT coagulation of facts for an audience that understands one thing at a time you preach to the choir, you make some valid points about the voting public ...They are self-motivated ...period ...philosophically speaking the world has 'TunnelVision" and 99.99% don't know and don't care in the first place," said another.
One user said, "he clearly made the audience uncomfortable and that's exactly what he should be doing. well done, Bill! couldn't agree more - the dems have had DECADES to be the lawyer for women (and so many other groups), but instead they decide to keep issues political in order to line their campaign pocket books rather than actually legislate. enough is enough. these clowns needs to go."
"Honestly that is one of the best analogies I've heard in a long time. He hit the nail right on the head with this one," one user said, while another wrote, "One of Bill’s best bits to date. Love the in-your-face, high-octane-throughout rant that this was. Keep ’em coming! (Ofc don’t burst a vein in the process) I suppose kudos are in order for the writers as well. I recently saw one of their behind-the-scenes bits from a decade ago and it appears what Bill says is a mix of the writers’ ideas and his own." "Great stuff indeed. Well-done, Bill. Can only hope that the message drops out of the ether, and smacks the right dems in the head," commented another.