‘Big Brother’ Season 26: Pentagon alliance struggles to survive after Cedric Hodge’s elimination
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The eviction of Cedric Hodges blew a hole into the 'Big Brother' house and marked the downfall of the once-dominant Pentagon alliance. Previously seen as nearly unbeatable, this alliance, which included Cedric and other key players, was shattered by his unexpected departure. The situation has created a power vacuum and turned certain people within the alliance very bitter, with feelings of betrayal and distrust toward their fellow members.
With Cedric out of the picture, survivors are in a mad dash to realign alliances and strategies. That fallout really has destabilized the game, leaving former Pentagon members stumbling to keep up their influence against other houseguests taking the opportunity to shift the power dynamics around a bit and form new alliances.
Cedric Hodges wanted to eliminate Tucker Des Lauriers
Cedric Hodges wanted to eliminate Tucker Des Lauriers because of their ongoing feud. As Head of Household in Week 3, Cedric saw Tucker as his main competitor and a significant threat to his game. Cedric had a strategic plan to target Tucker for eviction, hoping to weaken his rival and improve his own position in the house.
However, Cedric’s plan hit a snag when he failed to win the Veto challenge, which would have helped him secure Tucker’s eviction. Instead, Cedric ended up on the Block himself, alongside Makensy Manbeck and Rubina Bernabe. With his plan to eliminate Tucker thwarted, Cedric faced the risk of eviction instead. The failure to remove Tucker when he had the chance cost Cedric dearly as he could not save himself in the AI Arena challenge.

Cedric Hodges calls himself a 'pawn' after elimination
After his eviction from 'Big Brother' Season 26, Cedric Hodges reflected on his role in the game, describing himself as a pawn. He had volunteered to go on the block in hopes of targeting Tucker Des Lauriers, but this move ultimately backfired. Cedric trusted Kimo Apaka and T’Kor Clottey to support him, but they ended up voting against him, which he saw as a betrayal.
In his exit interview, Cedric shared his thoughts with host Julie Chen Moonves, saying, “I knew T’Kor and Kimo would turn on me because they were too close with Rubina. I volunteered to be a pawn because I wanted to see if I could trust working with T’Kor and Kimo moving forward.” Cedric’s regret was evident as he acknowledged that his strategy to eliminate Tucker did not work out as planned. He noted, “This is what happens when you volunteer to go up and miss your shot.”