'Better Call Saul' Season 5 Episode 7 ending with Jimmy's maniacal rant has fans agreeing he's 'like God'

Spoilers for 'Better Call Saul' Season 5 Episode 7 'Just Make Money'
Tonight's episode gave a lot for fans to marinate in for a solid one week. From Jimmy McGill bringing up his new client Lalo, in the middle of some much needed sexy time with his now-wife Kim Wexler, to the Wexler and Goodman nuptials — things get messy and then wholesome before turning intense. It all ended with a giant, explosive snap from Jimmy's end directed at Howard Hamlin and the entire fandom is buzzing with how everything about Jimmy-turned-Saul and Bob Odenkirk's portrayal of the role is Emmy-worthy.
Right at the end of the episode, Howard calmly asks Jimmy why he felt the need to vandalize his car with bowling balls and why he tried to taint his reputation with confrontational prostitutes ambushing him in public. While Jimmy manages to dodge admitting to these crimes, he does fess up about holding Howard accountable for Jimmy's brother Chuck's death. Given that Chuck's death was a suicide, Jimmy would have still avoided snapping had he not sensed Howard pitying him, in a near patronizing manner.
This causes Jimmy to explode and Odenkirk in those moments is remarkable. Blasting all of Howard at once, Jimmy booms, "I travel in worlds you can’t even imagine! I’m like a God in human clothing!" There is smug defiance in all that rage coursing through Jimmy and of course, it didn't escape the fandom's notice.
Noting how Jimmy is every bit as manic and unhinged as someone so consumed with resentment should be, the entire fandom is all accolades for the ending monologue.
"Wow can we talk about how bob odenkirk completely killed it tonight — that last scene with howard felt like a more solidified end to jimmy," wrote a fan on Twitter. Another remarked on the nuanced layers of Jimmy's monologue, writing: "Jimmy's monologue at the end of tonight's #BetterCallSaul? Every ENTP has been there. Every ENTP has gone on a totally unhinged, eloquent, spontaneous rant. And run out of steam when we realized we were the crazy one."
Getting straight to the point, another fan shared: "Wow they might as well just mail the Emmy to Bob Odenkirk for that last episode of #BetterCallSaul. That was award-winning acting, esp. the final scene of him going off on Howard."
Fans also drew wonderful parallels between this audacious rant of Jimmy's and Heisenberg ominously declaring, "I am the one who knocks," in the parent show 'Breaking Bad'. But it also sparked off discourse on Jimmy's inherent flaws, as a fan noted: "Jimmy can't face the truth. He slips further into his Saul persona where he can deflect and live with this delusion that it's 100% Howard's fault. Saul isn't just a stage name, it's a defense mechanism he ends up leaning too heavily upon."
'Better Call Saul' Season 5 airs on Mondays at 9 pm only on AMC.