Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke ridiculed for broadcasting haircut and back massage online

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke was mocked on social media Wednesday for live-streaming a bizarre 20-minute long video of him getting a haircut and a massage during a campaign stop in Texas. O'Rourke reportedly stopped at Chema's Barber Shop in El Paso and his assistant live-streamed the former Texas congressman sitting in a barber's chair as he engaged in personal grooming.
The politician made small talk with the barber in Spanish and introduced himself to another customer in the shop who had failed to recognize him. The incident came a day after the Texas politician expressed regret for launching his 2020 election campaign on the cover of Vanity Fair, adding that the move reinforced his "privilege."

This latest incident appears as O'Rourke's attempt of branding himself as a man of the people. The video shows the Texan speaking with the barber named Manuel in Spanish as another man entered the shop. At one point in the clip, another customer comes in who says he recognized O'Rourke but did not know who he was. The Democrat then told the man he is running for president.
The former Congressman, in the clip, also answered questions from the viewers during the live-stream and then went on to discuss his education reform agenda. He also made an attempt at humor by saying: "We’re cutting out some of this ear hair that you get when you get older. It grows out of your ears, and if you don’t get it cut, it can be nasty."
O'Rourke then provided an update on his three children and explained that his daughter Molly was taking a standardized test. He says his son Ulysses had a basketball game Wednesday night, and his son Henry had a baseball game coming up.
At the end of the clip, O'Rourke exits the store, gives viewers a tour of El Paso landmarks and provides an update on the warm temperatures in the Texas city. It is not uncommon for the Texas politician to live-stream his day-to-day events in an attempt to connect with his voters on social media platforms. O'Rourke, in January, and also live-streamed his visit to the dentist.
The clip, however, was ridiculed by social media users, with some calling him "egotistical." A Twitter user wrote: "Beto O'Rourke live streaming his haircut is 2020’s saddest moment." While another said: "Beto O'Rourke live-streaming a haircut. Was he pandering in Spanish? No one cares!"
A user named Ken tweeted: "Really, how corny. Next, I suppose it will be you live-streaming your colonoscopy." Another person on Twitter by the name of Jonathan Williams said: "Guess the campaign trail is already taking a toll on @BetoORourke, he has turned into Kevin Nealon... And whoever is advising his campaign and thought it would be a good idea to live-stream a haircut should be fired immediately."
There was, however, some positive response to his video, with supporters cheering him on and saying: "We need you Beto."