August Alsina mocks Keke Palmer after she denies dating rumors, fans call it 'displaced anger' over Jada Pinkett

Keke Palmer has finally revealed that she never dated singer August Alsina. After a fan shared a throwback photo of Palmer riding in a car with Alsina behind the wheel, along with a question to Palmer, "This you?" she responded by confirming it was her but didn't entertain the idea that they were ever dating.
"Yes girl," Palmer responded to her fan's question, adding, "August was never my man lol. That’s why you’re still reaching to this day to figure out nothing." Palmer had already put the idea to bed in an interview with HelloBeautiful in 2015. "Everybody always thinks I’m dating August just because of the photo we took together on my Instagram page, but no I am not dating August Alsina, we’re just friends," she said at the time.
Palmer's response to her fan drew the attention of the man in question himself. "U absolutely right. I was NEVER ur man. You could possibly never shortie. It seems u mad u got curved, but ur 'friends' r the reason 4 that. Dey showed me an endless thread of txt/pics of me dat u sent, wrry’d abt who i date & BEGGED me 2 not further disturb ur mental instability," Alsina wrote in his reply to her.
Fans are saying that Alsina's heated response is because of Jada Pinkett Smith's denial of his recent claims of having an affair with her. Speaking to 'Breakfast Club's' Angela Yee, August confirmed rumors that he had been in a relationship with Jada but insisted that it was a very open affair and that there was no bad blood between any of them. He even claimed that Will Smith gave him his blessing to have the affair. He said he truly and deeply loved and still loves her. "I devoted myself to it. I gave my full self to it. So much so that I can die right now, and be OK knowing that I fully gave myself to somebody... Some people never get that in this lifetime."
Jada didn’t confirm this relationship until an interview on her Facebook Watch talk show, 'Red Table Talk', which was uploaded on July 10. She said that she “got into an entanglement” with Alsina about four-and-a-half years ago, but she didn’t cheat on her husband of 22 years. At the time, they "were over".
Fans are tying all these situations together and claiming that Alsina is just upset that his affair claims didn't have much of an effect. "Keke didn’t say anything disrespectful to deserve this anger sis. You need direct that energy to who you really mad at.. Jada," a fan said referring to his response to Palmer. "This is displaced anger," said a fan while another wrote, "Was this really necessary??? She wasn't even being shady."
One fan said, "How is @KekePalmer mad? She simply said (what you also just confirmed) that there never was nor has there ever been a relationship. There was absolutely no reason for you tell us all about her mental state. Ppl are dead out here defending u for what you went through and U attack?" Another added, "I honestly don’t think she meant any bad intent by saying this. You need to redirect your anger to the woman who called a love you would die for an entanglement."