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Cash Gernon murder: Trevor Gernon's sister Ashlee Marcoux slams boy's mother for banning him from funeral

Marcoux had previously posted a YouTube video of her brother Trevor 'clarifying' why he left the twins in Monica Sherrod's care
UPDATED MAY 25, 2021
Ashlee Marcoux says Trevor Gernon (R) has ahuge heart (YouTube/Harrison County Police Department)
Ashlee Marcoux says Trevor Gernon (R) has ahuge heart (YouTube/Harrison County Police Department)

DALLAS, TEXAS: After forbidding slain Texas toddler Cash Gernon's carer Monica Sherrod from attending his funeral, the child's mother Melinda Seagroves has now reportedly banned the boy's father Trevor Gernon from paying his respects. Cash was kidnapped from his cot at Sherrod's home on the morning of May 15, and subsequently found murdered in the middle of a street just eight blocks away from the house. Cash and his twin brother Carter were left in Sherrod's care after their father, who had custody of the boys and had moved into her house with them, disappeared due to legal troubles. 

After it was revealed that suspect Darriynn Brown was an acquaintance of Sherrod and her family, the 39-year-old woman was banned from attending the funeral. Cash's aunt Ashlee Marcoux reveals her brother Trevor too is being denied to attend the funeral before he turns himself in for the outstanding warrants.


Why did Trevor Gernon leave his children? Cash Gernon's dad apologizes in recorded message from unknown location

Who is Monica Sherrod? Caretaker of slain Texas toddler Cash Gernon targeted as 'mastermind' behind tragedy

Who is Ashlee Marcoux?

Marcoux is Cash's father Trevor Gernon's sister and doesn't know exactly where her brother is right now, claiming he hasn't left Texas. She however thinks Gernon going to jail might be the “best thing for him to find the help that he needs for sobriety.” She recently told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview that her “brother wants to just say goodbye to his son and put him to rest, and this has just been really difficult to figure out.” Trevor had used Marcoux's YouTube account to share an apology video where he tried to "clarify" his actions and explained why he had left the twins in Sherrod's care.

Marcoux, who has over a thousand followers on Instagram and less than 50 subscribers on YouTube, had captioned the video "This has been the most difficult thing me and my family has ever gone even have to think about addressing the public during this time is so surreal.... but Cash’s loss has touched so many and there are so many questions. My brother, Trevor Gernon, has taken the time to write and record a statement to put some of the speculation to rest. Please listen. His voice deserves to be heard." The video saw Trevor profusely apologizing through tears to Cash's mother Melinda, whom the other twin has been reunited with since the tragedy. The video however totally avoided addressing the multiple felonies that Trevor is wanted for.

Marcoux also told the outlet that her brother “never really had a great relationship with the biological mom’s side of the family, and this has not made it any better.” She added: "We talked to a funeral home and they said both parents have to give consent for funeral proceedings before they can even take a child into their care. So we want to work with them to just put him to rest, but the family isn’t cooperating with us at all. They’re just sending nasty messages. They blame my brother; they blame my mother for not taking them instead.”

Cash Gernon (Dallas Police)

Trevor Gernon 'just needed more time'

Admitting that her brother has made a mistake, Marcoux however insisted that he “has a huge heart” and “just needed more time to get himself together.” She added: "We’ve just been trying to figure out how to handle this and see if he can just have some sort of agreement in place to attend the funeral. “Or at least be able to see Cash before he goes and turns himself in.”

Marcoux also claimed that Trevor had plans of moving back to Houston, adding that she was going to move from Vermont to help him with taking care of the twins. “I know him,” Marcoux said, “and if he was an actual shitty person and I didn’t think that he treated [his boys] well, I would not be on the phone with you right now, I wouldn’t have posted that statement, I would have disassociated from him. But I know his heart and I know who he is — he’s a good person, he’s just made some stupid choices.”