Are Jada and Will Smith scientologists? Truth behind resurfaced rumors

Will Smith’s brazen assault on Chris Rock during the Oscars on Sunday night, March 27, has not just left people shocked but also sparked the baseless rumor that the actor’s violence was the result of him being a 'Scientologist'. The 53-year-old slapped comedian Chris Rock live on TV during the 94th Academy awards after the latter seemingly made fun of Jada Pinkett Smith’s shaved head.
Rock was addressing the audience when he said, “Jada, I love you. G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see you.” The 57-year-old filmmaker was apparently comparing Jada to Demi Moore who was seen with a shaved head in ‘G.I. Jane’. While Moore’s look was because of the film’s demand, Jada has shaved her head due to a condition called alopecia. Rock’s apparent jab at his wife was not taken well by the ‘Aladdin’ actor, who went to the stage and smacked him. He also said, “Keep my wife’s name out of your f***ing mouth.”
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Following the incident, a lot of people have called out the ‘King Richard’ actor with many speculating that his aggression was the result of Scientology.
Are Jada and Will Smith Scientologists?
Though people have blamed Scientology for Will’s behavior at the Oscars, the truth is that neither the actor nor his actress wife are currently Scientologists. In the past, it was alleged that the pair had opened a Scientology school, but in 2009 Jada cleared the air around it saying, “I definitely want to make it clear that the educational institution that we have, the school that Will and I have, is not a Scientology school. It is not a desire of ours to educate children with Scientology, that is not what Will and I want to do. And our school is not, and I repeat, not a Scientology school.”

Also, after the Oscars incident, journalist Tony Ortega, who often writes about the Church of Scientology, tweeted: “Yeah, I figured I was going to start getting this question, so here it is: Will and Jada Smith have been out of #Scientology since at least 2015. (Jada was heavy into it, Will was a dabbler.).”

Yeah, I figured I was going to start getting this question, so here it is: Will and Jada Smith have been out of #Scientology since at least 2015. (Jada was heavy into it, Will was a dabbler.)
— Tony Ortega (@TonyOrtega94) March 28, 2022
They financed a school that used Scientology curricula from 2008 to 2011. The school closed in 2013. By 2015 they were out altogether.
— Tony Ortega (@TonyOrtega94) March 28, 2022
So she did lie to & gaslit Leah on Red Table Talk that she studies all religions and wouldn’t admit to being a full time with the school she created for her kids.
— Alison Futoran (@alison_futoran) March 28, 2022
Yes, I said at the time that Jada was lying pretty badly during that show with Leah. Jada was heavily into Scientology at one time, and my sources on that are very good.
— Tony Ortega (@TonyOrtega94) March 28, 2022

When a user asked Ortega, “They even started a Scientology school, correct?” he answered, “They financed a school that used Scientology curricula from 2008 to 2011. The school closed in 2013. By 2015 they were out altogether.” And when a user mentioned, “So she did lie to & gaslit Leah on Red Table Talk that she studies all religions and wouldn’t admit to being a full time with the school she created for her kids,” while referring to actress Leah Remini’s interview with Jada, where she insisted that she and Will were not Scientologists, the journalist added, “Yes, I said at the time that Jada was lying pretty badly during that show with Leah. Jada was heavily into Scientology at one time, and my sources on that are very good.”