'Apex' Ending Explained: Did Thomas come out alive after being hunted?

The new action flick from Bruce Willis, titled ‘Apex’, has finally been released and viewers cannot wait to get a glimpse of their favorite action star once again. The movie revolves around a man named Thomas Malone (Bruce Willis), who is behind bars for the last seven years and he has broken many, killed so many people that he has forgotten what feelings are. On the other hand, we have a hunter called Samuel Rainsford (Neal McDonough) who hunts people for his enjoyment and takes them as a trophy. He is known to be the best hunter in the world.
All of them are at Apex Island and now, Thomas has to stay alive if he wants freedom. The movie starts off well and you feel like something amazing will be coming up, but it ends up being an average flick. Willis is good in his role and McDonough is great as well, but they are let down by lazy writing and a lame last act.
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But did Thomas manage to get out of the remote island? Or he becomes the prey to the hunters? Let’s find out.
‘Apex’ Ending Explained: Was Rainsford able to become the greatest hunter of all time?
As soon as everyone is dropped on the island, the hunters are finding ways to kill the prey (Willis). Meanwhile, Thomas knows that the odds are against us and he would have to do something special if he wants to get his freedom back. So, he plans of seeing the hunters trying to get him while they fight each other. Rainsford kills one of the hunters because he was being too mean to him.
On the other hand, one of the other hunters, Bishop (Nels Lennarson), starts getting psychotic and starts killing other hunters. He kills Jeza (Megan Peta Hill) and Ecka (Trevor Getzky). However, in the latter part of the film, Bishop makes a deal with Thomas after Thomas tried getting inside his head by telling him that he is not worthy enough to be here and he can’t kill Rainsford. So, Bishop returns to the lodge and tries killing Rainsford but he knows that Bishop is here to kill him. Rainsford kills him with the help of Carrion (Corey Large).
Rainsford and Carrion get into a deal that if Carrion kills Thomas then he would give him a lot of money. Carrion gets back to the forest and tries killing Thomas, but Thomas is too good for him and kills him with an ax. When Rainsford gets to know that Carrion has died, he calls out Mongrels from the outside world to help him but Thomas kills them all and reaches the lodge.
Rainsford and Thomas come face to face to talk to each other. Rainsford believes that he is the Apex Warrior and all the future generations would see him as a legend. Thomas laughs and says that he is stupid to this that. In the end, they try to kill each other and in the process, the lodge is on fire. Only Thomas comes out alive and he is taken back to his home.
‘Apex’ will be available for streaming via VoD on November 12.