Thomas Apollo: Crazy anti-vaxxer attacks Covid health staff at Families Together clinic

TUSTIN, ORANGE COUNTY: An anti-vaxxer attacked personnel at a Covid-19 vaccination clinic in Orange County's Tustin location in California on December 30. A newly released video shows the attack by the lone man, Thomas Apollo, 43, who visited the immunization clinic run by Families Together of Orange County. Apollo reportedly called the healthcare professionals "murderers" and accused them of being participating in the "Covid-19 fraud," according to the Los Angeles Times.
Apollo, dressed in a white T-shirt, is seen striking healthcare staff in the footage before being held by police. One of the victims, Parsia Jahanbani, told the Los Angeles Times that Apollo grew enraged when a security guard requested him to put on a mask. According to the report, he then violently assaulted Jahanbani and another healthcare worker who opted to remain unidentified. The second worker, according to Jahanbani, was pushed beneath Apollo and received a couple of very heavy blows to the head.
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Several individuals intervened, including a patient, to separate Apollo from the worker, who was later treated for his injuries. Apollo was outraged and screaming offensive words when police came, and it took seven cops around 15 minutes to detain him, according to Jahanbani. Apollo was shocked three times with stun guns and a police officers' arms were scratched as a result of the confrontation, according to Alexander Rossel, CEO of Families Together. According to a representative for the Tustin Police Department, Apollo was detained on accusations of assault and resisting arrest, but he was freed the next day.
According to Rossel, “The medical assistant was taken to the emergency room and returned to work Tuesday looking like a boxer after a fight.” Rossel stated that despite his employees being on edge and enhanced security at his clinic, work will continue in his clinics in the hopes that those in the judicial system do their work as well. "I just hope and pray that the full extent of the law is pressed onto this individual because this cannot be an example for other people to just get away to come and attack the health care workers," he added.
Families Together of Orange County also released a statement after the team was back at work the week following the attack. It said, "We’re extremely saddened to report that staff members working to help vaccinate patients in Tustin were attacked last week. While Families Together believes that vaccines are important in the fight against the pandemic, we understand that the decision to get vaccinated is purely personal. However, we will not tolerate violence or harassment of any kind against our staff, patients or volunteers. We’re proud of the strength and bravery of our team, and while this incident has shaken us, we will not be deterred from our mission to keep our community safe and healthy. On the contrary, it has motivated us to fight even harder.”