Anti-vaxxer dad offers daughter $2,000 not to get Covid-19 vaccine, says it could kill her in viral video

In a TikTok video that has gone viral, a father who seems extremely emotional and distraught advises his daughter not to get the Covid-19 vaccine and even offers her $2,000 as he believes that this is a human trial. This father seems to be unaware of the fact that he is being recorded, and continues to plead to his daughter to give up on the vaccine. The video was shared by TikTok account @appaloosauce.
The video begins with the father explaining, "It is not by definition a vaccine." Then his daughter, who according to reports is known as Briana, asks him what the jabs are if not vaccine. To this he responds, "It is a human trial, it is genetic therapy... It is not FDA approved." It must be noted here that the FDA did approve the emergency use of Covid-19 vaccines.
It was decided that going through the usual channels would add another year to the vaccine getting approved. This would mean an increase in the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus. This does not however mean that the vaccine will stay unapproved, as it is expected to go through the channels soon. According to the FDA, the priority at the moment is to tackle the ongoing pandemic.
Briana then asks her father, "Why are you trying to buy me off with it though?" To this, he responds in an agitated voice, "Because I love you, why do you think I want to buy you off?" Briana then tells her father that she doesn't want the money. To this, the father says, "I know you don't, but I don't know what else to do." She then refers to other members of her family and asks "You didn't do this to Michael and Kelsey, they already got it." To this, her father responds, "Don't you think I know that, don't you think I know that? What do you think, I am f***ing crazy? Your mother got it. Why do you think I'm f***ing crazy?" As he says this, he breaks down in tears.
The father then also exclaims, "My family is gone, my family is gone. By the end of this flu season most of them will be dead. What the f**k do you expect me to be?" The post was captioned, "Part 1 of this craziness. #covid #covidvaccine #covid19 #coronavirus." The video has over 114,600 views and was posted on May 25. This video was also reshared on Twitter. Many took to the comments section on the TikTok video to speak about the state that the father is in. One user Lynn Chavira, wrote, "I really feel so sorry for these people they're so far down the rabbit hole I don't think there's any hope." Another user Kevin De Lorey, added: "None of what he said is true. I'm sorry girl. He's so lost." One John commented, "Pops is going through some stuff. It's sad but it's not his fault. There's just too much misinformation online and he bought into it."
In a second video, Brianna said that she received a lot of support after her initial video went viral. She finally did get the vaccine, but she did not tell her father about it.