Angry McDonald's customer breaks cash register over slow service, calls manager 'c**t' for delaying order

A customer was seen smashing up the restaurant cash register and calling the branch manager a "c**t" all because he was not served his order on time.
The incident which took place at one of the fast food's outlets in Sydney, Australia, was caught on camera and posted on the Facebook page of Humans of Bankstown. The clip began with an aggressive man leaning on the counter in the restaurant while screaming "where's my food!" As he kept on demanding his order to be served, he kept on knocking things off the counter to the floor and getting increasingly violent.
It is unclear as to when the confrontation took place between the unidentified bearded man and the employees of the restaurant which is located in Bankstown, southwest Sydney. The man is seen sweeping the napkins, sending them scattering on to the floor near the heated food as he rants "I paid for my food, where's my food?"
He then proceeds to shove a tray on to the floor too after flying into a violent rage and calling the manager a "c**t" for failing to quickly hand over his order. While other employees at the restaurant are seen calmly working without paying much attention to the man, the female manager of the store appears in the video, and pointing toward the door, tells the man, "I highly suggest you leave right now!"
However, the man refuses to budge from his spot as he continues to yell, "Where's my money, I paid for my s***, where's my food?" After the napkins and the till the man also sweeps the straw holder onto the floor. It is unclear if security was called to escort the man out.
A McDonald's spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia that the man's behavior was wholly unacceptable. "The safety and security of our people and customers is our number one priority, and we do not tolerate any form of anti-social behavior in our restaurants. Any such behavior will be reported to the relevant authorities."
The spokeswoman also pointed out that the clip might be an old one since it clearly did not show any of the people in the restaurant abiding by the norms set by a post-coronavirus world.
Back in March, the video of a brawl between McDonald's worker Erika Chavolla and customer Sabrinah Fontelar posted on social media by Nevada resident Marie Dayag went viral clocking millions of views within a day. The fight showed the two women coming to blows with one another within the premises of the restaurant, leaving other workers and customers scrambling to put a stop to it.
In the video, Chavolla charging out from behind the counter after some provocation from Fontelar, avoiding a milkshake and withstanding a blow with a metal tray before she manages to lay her hands on the much smaller woman. Chavolla manages to grab Fontelar and throws punches to her face and head as the latter desperately attempts to fight back.
The momentum then carries Fontelar away but, still incensed, Chavolla grabs her and hauls her into an adjacent table before the pair is finally separated by another worker and an onlooker. But Fontelar refuses to walk away, instead, picking up a fight with the worker trying to calm her down, resulting in a brawl breaking out once again. Chavolla grasps her by the hair and tosses her away, throwing in another few punches before pushing her away. One final attempt sees Fontelar picking up a chair threateningly, but she puts it down with a look of resignation. The McDonald's worker can be overheard saying 'My momma ain't dead, you respect my momma!,' leaving viewers to wonder whether the fight broke out because Fontelar had hurled abuses at Chavolla's mother.