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Andrew Tate reveals providing food to girl amid Israel-Hamas conflict, Internet says 'not the time to brag'

In a prior tweet, Andrew Tate even announced a generous donation of $200,000 to aid Palestinians.
Andrew Tate asserts the young Palestinian girl in the clip he shared is just like her daughter (cobratate/Twitter)
Andrew Tate asserts the young Palestinian girl in the clip he shared is just like her daughter (cobratate/Twitter)

BUCHAREST, ROMANIA: Andrew Tate, the polarizing figure in the world of social media, recently utilized the platform 'X' to post a video featuring a young girl from Palestine during the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Andrew Tate appered on a YouTube vlog (Mo Vlogs/ YouTube)
Andrew Tate takes to the platform 'X' to share footage of a young Palestinian girl (Mo Vlogs/ YouTube)

Tate's earlier comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict have led numerous members of the online community to speculate that he may be leaning more towards supporting Palestine in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel.

In a prior tweet, Andrew Tate even announced a generous donation of $200,000 to aid Palestinians.

Andrew Tate asserts he supplied food to young Palestinian girl

Tate had previously discussed how one of the members of his team at Tate Pledge had journeyed to Palestine to deliver essential food supplies to children in need.

Andrew Tate's cobra tattoo (@Cobratate/ Twitter)
Andrew Tate asserts the world is a mess  (@Cobratate/ Twitter)

In a video posted by Tate on the platform 'X', his team member is captured interacting with a young girl. In response to this footage, Tate remarks on the striking similarities between the girl and his own daughter.

Tate emphasizes, "She is the same age as my daughter. My daughter is on private jets and taking ballet lessons.

(@Cobratate/ Twitter)
Andrew Tate compares his daughter to the young Palestinian girl (@Cobratate/ Twitter)

This girl wouldn't have food to eat if it wasn't for The world is a mess."


Andrew Tate's fans agree with his statement that 'world is a mess'

Following Tate's statement that the world is in a mess when he shared a video featuring a young girl of his daughter's age, numerous users gathered in the comments section to voice their opinions.

One user wrote, "It's not the time to brag about your private jets. Why everything is private jets and bugattis for you?"

Andrew Tate has become most influencial figure for the youth  (@Cobratate/ Twitter)
Andrew Tate's trolls assert he is bragging about his private jets (@Cobratate/ Twitter)

Another user wrote, "The contrast in opportunities and circumstances for children around the world can be stark and disheartening.

It's a reminder of the importance of helping those in need and working towards a more equitable world. Your support and awareness can make a difference. πŸŒπŸ’” #Inequality #GlobalSolidarity"

A user stated, "The world is a mess. πŸ’― don’t know where it ends."