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'Dragon Girl' Amber Luke reveals she faces discrimination after $250k face tattoos and piercings

'They won't look at my work ethic,' said Amber Luke, who spent $250K on tattoos and piercings, about potential employers
Amber Luke, 27, widely known as Dragon Girl (Picture credit: Amber Luke Instagram and Twitter)
Amber Luke, 27, widely known as Dragon Girl (Picture credit: Amber Luke Instagram and Twitter)

An Australian model who went through a jaw-dropping transformation and turned into a heavily tattooed adult model has revealed how getting extreme tattoos and face piercings changed her life.

Amber Luke, 27, widely known as "Dragon Girl," spent a whopping $250,000 on tattoos, piercings, and surgery to achieve the look she always desired for. But now instead of public appreciation, Luke is facing brutal discrimnation, even in the workplace as the result of her transformation.


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Amber Luke sat down for a conversation with Brisbane radio show Robin, Terry & Kip last week, where she revealed how getting 99 tattoos that covered 99 per cent of her body, completely changed her life. "I am getting very heavily tattooed, but I'm not harming anyone in the process," she told radio hosts Kip Wightman, Robin Bailey, and Terry Hansen.

She said everyone is entitled to their opinion, but her heart aches when people make nasty comments about her appearance, especially when they say that she ruined her good looks with heavy tattoos. "Everyone has their own opinions of what beauty is," she said. "You see these cultures [where people] stretch their necks, their ears, their lips. But at the end of the day, we all are entitled to our opinion and that's okay."

She continued, "But, what gets to me is when someone expresses their opinion to me in public and comes up to me and says, 'Oh, you're ugly,' or, 'You've ruined yourself'... it's very distressing to know that people have that strong opinion and they can just voice it without any repercussions."

In the conversation, Amber also revealed how it has become impossible for her to get a job after her transformation. "I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it has limited my [employment] options but that's okay," she said. "Because the way I see it is, I don't want to work for a company that's shallow-minded [and can't] look past my image. They won't look at my work ethic, they won't look at my morals or my values or what I have to bring to the table."

Earlier, Luke told Studio 10 she got her first tattoo at the age of 16 and how it became a big milestone in her life. She described the pain as "excruciating" when she had the procedure redone, as the modifier had to cut through scar tissue. "The experience I went through made me extremely resilient and so strong. I have gained so much knowledge about anatomy," she said. "I've gone into shock so many times. I've had fits - and I'm not epileptic."

The OnlyFans model was once left blind for 3 weeks after she injected blue ink into her eyeballs during an excruciating 40-minute procedure. Apart from her tattoos and piercings, Luke has spent $70,000 on extreme body modifications — from breast augmentation, cheek and lip fillers and a Brazilian butt lift to more 'unique' mods like pointed implants in her ears, and a tongue split. She revealed that getting her body inked is like a process of releasing negative energy for her as it helped her become more comfortable in her body and has helped her battle mental stress.