Experts reveal why Amber Heard makes a lot of EYE-CONTACT with jury

The high-profile defamation case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard resumed after a week's break and viewers are back to dissecting everything that goes on in the courtroom. Tuesday, May 17, marked Heard's final day of testimony which included some intense cross-examination by Depp's attorney Camille Vasquez.
But during the grilling, viewers noticed how much Heard looked at the jury — every time Vasquez asked a question Heard would look at the jury and give her answer. Many people found that "weird" while others felt she seemed both "stressed and anxious".
"Camille makes a question and Amber Heard answers it looking at the jury. Every. Single. Time," wrote one person on Twitter.
Camille makes a question and Amber Heard answers it looking at the jury. Every. Single. Time. That’s so weird, she makes me sick 😫 #AmberHeardDeservesPrison
— Sara Robledo (@sarachazelle) May 17, 2022
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While individuals have been making their own judgments, experts believe it might be a method for Heard to "humanize" herself. Expert Judi James said Heard may be staring at the jury to establish an "emotional bond" with the members of the panel. “The effect would be to 'humanize' herself to the jury rather than isolating herself as a celebrity who they will presumably have been hearing negative comments about,” James told Daily Mail.
Since Depp and Heard mounted the stand, viewers have been watching their every move. Heard's decision to look at the jury while responding to the questions asked to her is one of the numerous subjects being debated on social media.
Fans watching the case attentively noted that Heard frequently stares toward the jury when discussing her encounter with Depp. When the cross-examination began, things were no different. However, this action elicited a variety of reactions from spectators, some of which are added below:
"Amber Heard looking to the jury every time she answers, instead of answering the person asking the question is... unnerving," a user exclaimed.
Amber Heard looking to the jury every time she answers, instead of answering the person asking the question is... unnerving.
— TheMotherMermaid (@RebelSpicer) May 17, 2022
Another user tweeted, "Me as a jury member after the 9,000th time #AmberHeard makes eye contact with me! Stop looking at the damn Jury, it’s not helping!! #DeppVsHeard"
Me as a jury member after the 9,000th time #AmberHeard makes eye contact with me! 🤣 Stop looking at the damn Jury, it’s not helping!! #DeppVsHeard
— Jenny (@jennifer_barker) May 16, 2022
A user tweeted, "Amber Heard needs to stop looking at the jury when she answers. It’s so creepy, like she’s performing. #AmberHeard"
Amber Heard needs to stop looking at the jury when she answers. It’s so creepy, like she’s performing. #AmberHeard
— stewdogsmama (@StewdogsMama) May 17, 2022
After Heard's cross-examination on Tuesday, Heard's attorney Elaine Bredehoft began the re-direct examination of her client. However, nearly every question was interrupted by Depp's team. Vasquez, who had just finished cross-examination of Heard, objected to nearly every one of Bredehoft's questions. Many objections included hearsay, leading the witness and lack of foundation. Judge Penney Azcarate sustained the majority of the objections.
After Heard's testimony, the court of Tuesday also witnessed a video deposition of Heard's friend iO Tillett Wright. Heard's friend Raquel Pennington also began her testimony before court was adjourned for the evening.
Viewers may now hear the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor's side of the story while watching him undergo cross-examination. Heard is suing Depp for defamation over an op-ed she wrote for the Washington Post in 2018.