Amanda McClure: Minnesota woman who killed boyfriend to marry OWN dad dug up corpse to chop and add quicklime

McDOWELL COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA: 31-year-old Amanda McClure of Minnesota pleaded guilty to a heinous murder. She has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for brutally killing and dismembering her boyfriend. She appeared in McDowell County Circuit Court via video on Thursday and entered a guilty plea to a charge of second-degree murder in the February 2019 bludgeoning and strangling of John McGuire, 38, of Minnesota.
But this is not just a lover's quarrel gone awry. Amanda's case gets shocking and creepy for its incestuous nature. It was first uncovered in September 2019 after Larry McClure was arrested for failing to register as a sex offender. A convicted pedophile, he soon told police about the killing; McGuire's remains were discovered shortly afterwards. Amanda and her father 55-year-old Larry McClure Sr killed her boyfriend by hitting him in the head, injecting him with methamphetamine, and strangling him.
After they murdered the boyfriend and buried his body in a shallow grave on their property, McClure and her biological father had sex, and four weeks later married each other. Just three weeks after the Valentine's Day 2019 murder, Larry and Amanda traveled to Virginia to get married on March 11. Six days after the murder, she exhumed the corpse, chopped the body up and re-buried with quicklime to ensure quick decomposition.
McClure's father, Larry, was sentenced in August to life without the possibility of parole after he admitted to bludgeoning and strangling McGuire to death. According to reports, Amanda's sister, 32-year-old Anna Marie Choudhary, is also facing a first-degree murder charge for allegedly taking part in the crime. When she appeared in court, Amanda repented her actions and sought mercy from the courts as she apologized to McGuire's mother, Karen Smith.
"I have to look at myself every day," she said. "My family didn't raise me to be this way. I've not only hurt John's family, I've hurt my own family. Mrs Smith, the only answer I can give you as to why things happened is John was with me. My dad didn't want anyone else near me. John told Larry that he loved me and we were going to get married.I wish I could bring John back. He was a good man."
Karen Smith was having none of it. "You and your two kids are going straight to hell! To marry your own daughter — that's a low-down," she told Larry. According to a DailyMail report, Smith said that Amanda "broke her heart and the hearts of McGuire's six children, who are still terrified that she will come after them one day, and wondered aloud why she killed her son". Amanda also has a history of drug offenses.
The presiding judge Ed Kornish described the murder as "heinous" and chided Amanda for failing to take full responsibility for her actions. "After killing John, you dug him up later. When you all dug him up his body was dismembered and stakes of some kind were driven through his body...Then you reburied him...there was no reason for this."
Investigations revealed that Larry McClure made it seem like it was his daughter Amanda who was the ringleader of the murder. "I cannot tell you why Amanda wanted John McGuire dead," he said. "I am asking for this to be over and not waisting [sic} the taxpayers' money and hurting the family members on both sides of this. John McGuire's family and my family."
But there is no way that they weren't in this together. When the two got married, Amanda wrote the name of another man as her father.