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Alligator swimming in Texas lake with knife stuck in its skull sparks widespread outrage after harrowing photo goes viral

The alligator was spotted swimming in a lake at the Orchard Lakes Estate and was photographed by Erin Weaver who posted the harrowing photo on social media
UPDATED JUN 16, 2019

An alligator that was spotted with a knife stuck in its head in Fort Bend County, Texas, has left the local residents in a state of shock.

The alligator was spotted swimming in a lake at the Orchard Lakes Estate and was photographed by Erin Weaver. The images raised concern for the unfortunate gator after they went viral on social media. 

"I saw him swimming and then I saw him turn, like swimming towards me, and I saw something sticking out of his head," Weaver told ABC13. "It looked like a steak knife that was sticking out of his head, I don't know if it was in his eye, if it wasn't in his eye it was very close to his eye."

The local wildlife officials were notified and Brazos Bend State Park Superintendent Chris Bishop revealed that the alligator could live for some time with the knife stuck in its skull. 

“We have gotten 100s of messages and texts on this poor baby! We have to get the approval from Texas Parks & Wildlife to go on this call,” Sharon Saurage of Gator Country wrote in a Facebook post.

Weaver, in an interview with ABC-affiliate KTRK, revealed that she believed that someone did this on purpose. “I want to get help for this alligator. I don’t want to see an alligator swimming around with a knife in his head and suffering,” Weaver said.

In a Facebook post, Weaver revealed that that experts from Gator Country, which is a wildlife rescue service in Beaumont, Texas, are waiting for official permission to help the gator. 

According to KPRC, another person had also seen the alligator just a day before Weaver shared the image on social media. This incident has received criticism from the community’s residents who had a talk with the station.

In a statement to Gizmodo, a Gator Country spokesperson revealed that the organization is not involved with this situation. “Gator Country is not involved and has not been contacted by TPWD for assistance,” the spokesperson said by email. “A permitted nuisance alligator trapper has been issued a capture permit by the department and is taking steps to locate the injured gator."