EXCLUSIVE | 'All Rise' Season 2: Why did Luke break up with Emily? J Alex Brinson says he's 'rooting for them'

When 'All Rise' returned for its second season on CBS in November, fans were surprised to learn that sheriff-turned-prosecutor Luke Watkins (J Alex Brinson) and Emily Lopez (Jessica Camacho) had broken up. We assume at first that Emily had broken up with Luke when she keeps refusing to meet with him in the Season 2 premiere.
However, we later learn that it was Luke who had broken up with Emily and that he had even moved on — breaking Emily's and the viewers' hearts. In the second episode, we saw Emily seek Luke out to reassure him, but somewhere, something went wrong and we cannot help but wonder what happened between the once-lovebirds.
Of course, when MEAWW caught up with actor J Alex Brinson to talk about the second season of 'All Rise', it was one of the first things we asked. Brinson himself was surprised to learn that it was Luke who initiated the breakup, realizing in the aftermath of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests that Emily was "not the right thing for [him] right now."
Brinson tells us in the six months of the relationship, the couple had a few tough conversations to figure things out and he believes that Luke still "cares a lot for Emily," and promises that #Lemily will have an "interesting journey" over the season. Brinson also adds, "I'm rooting for them too."
So, how does this breakup affect their professional relationship? Brinson says, "Can you separate your personal life from your work life That's a tough one. If you love someone in your personal life, making them an adversary will be challenging. Having to go toe to toe with Emily, fighting over a case is very challenging." He adds that it will affect their working relationship.
For Luke, the second season will feature more personal stories. Brinson says that there will be a lot of exciting things happening for Luke, saying, "He's a young man at the beginning of his career, at the beginning of his journey trying to find his purpose [and] figure out what he's supposed to be focused on." We saw Luke struggling with the system he is currently in and not being satisfied with the results. Brinson tells us that over the second season, Luke will begin to discover there are other options when it comes to prosecuting those who have committed crimes.
Brinson also thinks it is beautiful that the show is reflecting both the pandemic and the protests and that art needs to reflect the current situation. He says, "Luke saw the whole thing. He's here in Los Angeles, California, so that has greatly affected him. It has changed who he is and the fabric of what he believes." Brinson adds that viewers will see in upcoming episodes how the past year has completely changed everything Luke thought he knew.
Speaking of art reflecting life, Brinson also tells how CBS has taken the Covid-19 pandemic seriously and all the precautions involved on set. He tells us that the 'All Rise' set has different zones between the 200 crew members, and people don't mix between the zones. Additionally, everyone has to stay six feet apart, wear masks, and there are plexiglasses. He also tells us that the camera is operated remotely while the actors are on set.
While Brinson misses hanging out with his fellow cast and crew members, he admits that safety comes first. He also tells us that Covid-19 cases will keep appearing on the show. 'All Rise' airs on CBS on Monday nights at 9/8c. The next episode of 'All Rise' will air on Monday, December 7.