Alicia Silverstone says another baby with ex-husband is 'not off the table'

Not getting over an ex can make one do crazy things. But once the water is under the bridge, it's not that hard to remain friends. And if you're as cool as Alicia Silverstone, the concept of having another baby with your ex won't be too far fetched either. Over friendly, much? Maybe. But Alicia has always been the super unconventional one when it comes to motherhood - what with her eating her own placenta post-partum, not just for its nutritional value, but just because it was her 'happy pill' and what not... But this new claim from the 'Clueless' actress really comes as a... shocker?
But worry not, the mother of seven-year-old Bear has it all sorted when it comes to parenting him with her ex-husband, Christopher Jarecki, and when it comes to expanding her family. In simpler terms, Alicia - who is not in a relationship - isn't entirely opposed to the idea of having another baby with her ex.