Alex Murdaugh: Internet shocked as Paul and Maggie's phone data reveals lawyer was at crime scene during double murders

WALTERBORO, SOUTH CAROLINA: Another shocking revelation was made on Tuesday afternoon, January 31, in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial. Murdaugh is accused of shooting his son Paul Murdaugh, 22, at close range with a shotgun, and his wife Maggie, 52, with a rifle. Now, Paul and Maggie's phone data has provided some information that has left the Internet sleuths confused and asking questions.
Alex Murdaugh, 54, previously argued that he was not at the crime scene where the double homicide took place. Now, a video taken by his son, Paul, states that at 8.44 pm, Alex Murdaugh, 54, was at the murder scene. Minutes before his death, the 22-year-old man was texting his friend about a dog. Moreover. the son and mother locked their phones just seconds apart. Paul locked his phone at 8.49.35 pm and Maggie Murdaugh's phone was locked at 8.49.31 pm only to never receive a text or call ever again. At 9.47 pm Alex texted Maggie, "Call me babe." After Maggie's cell was locked, her phone's sensors picked up movement recording 59 steps from 8.53 pm to 8.55 pm. Daily Mail reports that Lt Britt Dove told the court that Maggie's phone orientation changed at 8.53 pm, waking the screen and activating its camera for Face ID. The perpetrator has argued that the last time he saw his family was when they had supper together around 8.15 pm. He then allegedly fell asleep in front of the TV while Maggie and Paul went down to the kennels.

Paul Murdaugh's conversation with Rogan Gibson
At 8.44 pm, Paul called Rogan Gibson while he was at the kennels. The two were talking about Gibson's dog which Paul was looking after. Merely five minutes later, at 8.49 pm, Gibson messages, "See if you can get a good picture of it. Marion wants to send it to a girl we know that's a vet. Get him to sit and stay. He shouldn't move around too much." There was no response. Gibson tried calling Paul five times between 9.10 pm and 10.08 pm. Gibson even sent a message to Maggie at 9.34 pm saying, "Tell Paul to call me." Once again, there was no response. His last message to Paul was a simple "Yo" at 9.58 pm.

What do the Internet sleuths have to say about this discovery?
One person said, "I think the recorded steps will be interesting . Did she record enough steps to walk to the kennels,? Did Paul? Fascinating what cellphones record" Another person said, "This is the good stuff the prosecution needs to really hammer on to get the timeline so tight that Alex is stuck at the kennels at the time the murders occurred/cell phones locked and didn't open. Since we know Maggie's phone was moved after she died, that also gives us a very good approximation of Time Of Death (TOD) and we know when her phone moved last and didn't again until the cops picked it up. This timeline is getting tighter and tighter for Alex. How can he be at the kennels and not hear gunshots unless he's the shooter?" One user said, "Testimony was : Phone was unplugged at 8:17pm; 8:17pm to 8:18:29pm — 38 steps; 8:30pm to 8:33 pm — 43 steps; 8:53 pm to 8:55pm — 59 steps No steps after that So perhaps 8:17 - walked from house to car, 8:30 - got out of car and walked around kennel area 8:53 - killer picked up her phone and put in his car Maggie’s phone was found by the side of the road some distance from her murder"
One user theorizes, "I want to know how often he was calling Maggie before this happened. Was it out of character for him to call and text her that many times in such a short period of time when she didn’t answer? Or was he just trying to give the appearance that he wasn’t there and/or worried about her to distance himself? I’m also interested to see the gps and other records from his phone." Another user wrote, "I think Alex had already killed them and was holding both phones at 9:06 and made the call from his to Maggie's. That's why Maggie's phone turns on 2 seconds before the call came, he knew it was coming." One more user thinks, "I’ll be very interested to see where AM’s phone pinged when he made the 911 call. Something about “I’ve been up to it now” always struck me as a little off. Does that mean he hadn’t “been up to it” (the scene) when he first called?"
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