'AJ and the Queen' Episode 7 is an emotional rollercoaster that brings back old school vibes

This article contains spoilers for 'AJ and the Queen' Season 1.
As Robert aka legendary drag queen Ruby Red and his 10-year-old 'bodyguard' AJ continue their journey on a cross country club tour, they end up in Jackson, Mississippi. While Robert catches up with an old friend Mama Faberge, AJ goes through a hysteric moment as she misses her mother terribly and yet refuses to admit it. Robert is then faced with a decision — should he return AJ back to her drug addict mother or is she better off with him on the road?
After some R&R in an RV park in the last episode, Robert is ready for his next gig in Jackson. Still dealing with the issue of his ex-boyfriend, Damien Sanchez running away with his hard-earned $100,000, he learns that the credit card company is charging him penalty fees as he still owns them about $85,000. Robert with $100 to his name, prepares to perform at Jackson Joint, his old friend Faberge's club. A fabulous performance by Ruby Red (Ru Paul) takes us back to the old school days, without which, 'new school' would not exist.
As Faberge's crew entertains and welcomes the duo on their visit, AJ spills the beans and tells Mama Faberge about how they are running away from criminals.
Robert and AJ are still being chased by Sanchez and cosmetic criminal Lady Danger, who realized they were following the wrong RV miles ago and end up finding the duo in Mississippi. Ashamed and embarrassed at the fact that he let a grifter take advantage of him, Robert does not allow Mama Faberge to step in and deal with the issue.
Meanwhile, Sanchez, frustrated with following the duo to so many cities, wants to end this road trip claiming he isn't a killer, but Lady Danger does not allow him. Implying that Sanchez might be gay, she proposes a deal — he sleeps with her and takes her to Robert and she doesn't let his mother and ex-wife know he might be queer. He accepts.
Upon making it to Jackson Joint, Sanchez and Danger are confronted by Mama Faberge's crew and is chased out of Mississippi. For now, it seems the criminal duo might leave Robert and AJ alone.
AJ, who enjoys tagging along with Robert and meeting Mama Faberge and her family, hides her emotions throughout the trip. Claiming to not want to go back to her mom, she wants to go to Texas to live with her grandfather. Spotting a puppy from an irresponsible homeless couple, and desperately wanting it, Robert gets it for her only to realize that the puppy was crying because it missed his mom — even though its mother 'was a bad one'.
Back in New York, Brianna Douglas pays a visit to her neighbor Louis, Robert's best friend. While earlier not wanting to reveal details about the whereabouts of AJ, Robert noticed that the child missed her mother, even though she 'was a bad one' and decides that AJ has to be returned.
In the midst of all this drama in the Queen's world, Robert manages to break his streak of depression and hooks up with Mama Faberge's bodyguard Darrel, calling it 'a healthy moment for him'. Maybe a real romance next? Who knows.
A dark side to the life behind drag clubs and abusive families, this episode portrays the hardships of overcoming heartbreaks with a support system.
Season 1 of 'AJ and the Queen' is now streaming on Netflix.