Adam Driver canceled again on social media for being pro-military after 9/11, fans rush to defend him

Demanding celebrities be canceled is the latest trend during lockdown. Sometimes, there is no particular reason for it and most of the tweets would see fans fiercely defending the star/celeb and questioning what exactly they did wrong.
After Chris Evans and Tom Holland, it was Adam Driver's turn to be canceled (again). It's for a similar reason, this time. Sifting through the many, many, defensive tweets, one sees that he is apparently being attacked for being pro-military and patriotic after 9/11. In a 2019 interview with The New Yorker, Driver spoke about how he joined the Marines after 9/11 because he felt a deep desire for retribution against an invisible and unknown enemy. "It wasn’t against Muslims," he said. "It was: We were attacked. I want to fight for my country against whoever that is." Last time he was attacked for being Islamophobic.
This time, the fans have rushed to the defense of the actor and attacked those who attempted to trend 'Adam Driver Is Over' party. "WTF? #AdamDriverIsOverParty? We're cancelling people for being patriotic after 9/11? I know many guys who signed up and joined the military after 9/11. He wanted to defend his country, and was later redeemed as Kylo in "Rise of Skywalker." Thumbs up," a fan tweeted.
"#AdamDriverIsOverParty is not a problem. The problemary celebs included Alyssa Milano, Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Moore, and any other left leaning card carrying Communist in Hollywood," said one tired fan.
"#AdamDriverIsOverParty These "[insert name]IsOverParty" hashtags highlight how bitter, spiteful, and self-righteous Twitter users are in general. You lunatics have such a low sense of self-worth, you're giddy at the prospect of tearing someone down. You're all pretty pathetic," another snapped.
"DONT YOU DARE. Y’all need a hobby, go outside. Touch grass. #AdamDriverIsOverParty," a fan wrote.
Others said that he just wanted to defend his country. "LISTEN. Yall are NOT about to take the focus off ANSEL, COLE and JUSTIN. Adam just wanted to protect his country. Why are people so afraid to cancel rap¡sts? You canceled Melanie in an HOUR with 1M tweets. (She's innocent btw..) See the problem here??" another wrote.
Considering that Chris D'Elia and Danny Masterson were just recently accused of pedophilia and sexual assault, fans are asking why Driver should face the brunt of the cancel culture when there is much darker stuff happening in Hollywood. "Hollywood filled with pedophiles and rapists, and y’all tryna cancel some dude for joining the military after 9/11 #AdamDriverIsOverParty," a fan tweeted.
However, a tweet slamming Driver in all this was spotted, "Yes, cancel war veterans!"
This isn't the last time that Driver will face cancel culture on Twitter.