Queen of 'American Idol' Ada Vox says her new single 'Because of You' is a "thank you" to her fans

If you are like among the millions of Americans who watched ‘American Idol’ season 16, then you are also among the millions who fell in love with Adam aka Ada Vox. The musical genius grabbed all the eyeballs every time she performed on ‘American Idol’ and has since only gotten more popular by the day. While we love to hear her rendition of all songs, it is pretty spectacular to know that her single ‘Because of You’ is out for fans to listen to, whenever they want.
‘Because of You’ is written by singer-songwriter Janice Robinson as a thank you to the people who have supported and loved her during her journey. It caught the attention of Ada as soon as her agent played a demo for her. Speaking about which she said: "Hey, that song is fantastic. I love the meaning behind it. I love the words, and it actually means something.” Ada recollects her feeling at that moment, adding that meaningful lyrics that actually mean something is what she was drawn to. Soon, she got Robinson to agree to make it her own and from there, “it took its own life and has become what it is.”