Abigail Disney blasts supporters of Florida's 'Don't Say Gay Bill' in a bizarre 13-tweet rant

Disney heiress Abigail Disney blasted supporters of laws like Florida's so-called 'Don't Say Gay Bill', aka 'House Bill 1557', and those who disagree with Disney's attempts to fight against the legislation in a bizarre 13-tweet rant on Friday, April 1. Disney called Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill, which prohibits classroom discussion or instruction on sexual orientation and identity in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate "culture war nonsense."
The liberal activist said that the "right wing has run amok" in what began as a response to a tweet from conservative activist and anti-critical race theory crusader Christopher Rufo who vowed on Twitter to wage "moral war" against Disney and to turn "half their customers against them." Rufo's tweet came after he obtained footage that revealed producers and executives at Disney discussing plans to introduce LGBTQ+ characters into their animation projects, many of which are aimed at children.
In response to Rufo's tweet, Disney wrote, "Like all radical ideologues, the right wing has finally run amok and is coming to devour the hand that feeds it. Business. For my part I am delighted. It is the business world that has been, either by act or omission, feeding the opportunist right wing to distract us with culture war nonsense while they rifle through the till and empty everyone's pockets."
Disney claimed, "This 'anti-woke' right wing nonsense is unsupported by a large majority of Americans. In fact most Americans are offended by it and wish it would just go away." She also alleged that companies were victims of fringe right-wing activism that had been fueled by "deep pockets" and powerful lobbying. The heiress suggested that companies like Disney must not take a "neutral" position on politics any longer in the face of a growing vocal right-wing counter-cultural movement.
Disney explained, "You need two things to rule with a minority. First, you need to be constantly looking for fresh meat to throw to the minions, to keep them riled up all the time. That works until the herd thins (remember Scar in Lion King?). So now they've come for American Businesses."
"Right now, when it matters most of all, they will stand for those values with every fiber of their being. Yeah guys like Rufo can try, but Disney is so much bigger, means so much more to the American people than that little punk can ever hope to mean," she added. She also suggested that such "minority rule" required the base to be constantly riled up ready to be outraged, required lots of money, and to generate a new outrage.
Disney claimed that the right was turning on businesses that up until now had been supporting their cause. She said, "Until now, business has been content to do just that or they compartmentalized like sociopaths when they funded folks like Dennis Baxley who wrote the hateful Don't Say Gay bill because as the CEO claimed, he had no way of knowing he might vote for legislation like that. Or else they have chosen silence."
Disney continued, "Their silence brought us Donald Trump" before adding, "Apparently the racism and the xenophobia and the misogyny weren't deal breakers. Their silence, or at least willingness to compartmentalize when it came to politicians who were willing to fight for their outrageous and multi-decade campaign to stack the deck against the American People brought us this whole raft of Trump wanna-be's now casting about for new and more insidious ways to tear the country apart."
THREAD/ Like all radical ideologues, the right wing has finally run amok and is coming to devour the hand that feeds it. Business. For my part I am delighted. It is the business world that has been, either by act or omission, feeding the opportunist right wing to distract 1/ pic.twitter.com/7okhzmFII0
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Us with culture war nonsense while they rifle through the till and empty everyone's pockets. This "anti-woke" right wing nonsense is unsupported by a large majority of Americans. In fact most Americans are offended by it and wish it would just go away. 2/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
You need two things to rule with a minority. First, you need to be constantly looking for fresh meat to throw to the minions, to keep them riled up all the time. That works until the herd thins (remember Scar in Lion King?). So now they've come for American Businesses. 3/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
It was really only a matter of time. But the second thing you need to rule with a minority is money, lots of it. You need the very deep pockets to fund you, yes, and if they don't, you need them to sit quietly along the sidelines, out of your way. 4/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Until now, business has been content to do just that. Or they compartmentalized like sociopaths when they funded folks like Dennis Baxley who wrote the hateful Don't Say Gay bill because as the CEO claimed, he had no way of knowing he might vote for legislation like that. 5/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
HAH. Or else they have chosen silence. Their silence brought us Donald Trump. Apparently the racism and the xenophobia and the misogyny weren't deal breakers. Their silence, or at least willingness to compartmentalize when it came to politicians who were willing to fight for 6/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Their outrageous and multi-decade campaign to stack the deck against the American People brought us this whole raft of Trump wanna-be's now casting about for new and more insidious ways to tear the country apart. So now that the right wing and the business agenda 7/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Might actually be showing signs of parting ways, perhaps we might see the powerful lobbies of the various industries wondering which party was truly interested in supporting their interests. Perhaps we will see lobbies lose faith in the devil's partnership they 8/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Until now have relied so heavily upon to look after their subsidies, their tax breaks, their flouting of law and regulation. Perhaps the right wing has finally bitten the hand that has been feeding it superfoods these last few decades. 9/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
This is a monster of corporate America's creation. Until now they've managed to dodge the worst of it by feigning "neutrality" --even when decent human beings were being actively harmed by right wing activism. The only thing that will work for business now 10/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
if they want to emerge in one piece, is to stand tall for authenticity, generosity, joy and decency. These things are cryptonite for the right wing agenda. So the cure for this isn't hard. And it also just so happens to be the heart and soul of the Disney brand. 11/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Disney has everything it needs to fight this threat, if only it will have the courage to weather the slings and arrows and threats and name-calling. If only leadership will check in with first principles. If only they will show us that as a company that trades on American 12/
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Right now, when it matters most of all, they will stand for those values with every fiber of their being. Yeah guys like Rufo can try, but Disney is so much bigger, means so much more to the American people than that little punk can ever hope to mean. END//
— Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) April 1, 2022
Abigail Disney is the granddaughter of Roy O Disney, who co-founded the Disney Company with his brother Walt. She is a documentary filmmaker who has no connection to the family business. Disney is also the face of a group called 'Patriotic Millionaires' which consists of a number of ultra-wealthy members who advocate for higher taxes on the rich.