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ABC's 'Print It Black' looks at heartbreaking fallout of Uvalde school shooting

After the devastating tragedy, Uvalde Leader-News journalists are left to report on the fallout.
The Robb Elementary School sign is seen covered in flowers and gifts on June 17, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
The Robb Elementary School sign is seen covered in flowers and gifts on June 17, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

New York City, New York (Release): ABC News has announced that the upcoming documentary 'Print It Black' -- on the local Uvalde newspaper’s response to the Robb Elementary School mass shooting and the fallout that hit home -- premieres Friday, May 24, at 8 pm EDT/9pm PDT on ABC News Live and Hulu.

After the devastating tragedy, Uvalde Leader-News journalists are left to report on the fallout — and on one of their own staff members. Reporter Kimberly Rubio rose to national prominence as an advocate for gun reform after her 10-year-old daughter, Lexi, was killed in the shooting. Told through the lens of the journalists’ reporting, the social fabric of a small Texas town unravels as Kimberly and other victims’ families search for accountability from law enforcement and local leaders.

Seth Garza pays his respects with his daughter Lilly at a memorial dedicated to the 19 children and two adults killed on May 24th during the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 31, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas.  (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
Seth Garza pays his respects with his daughter Lilly at a memorial dedicated to the 19 children and two adults killed on May 24th during the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 31, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

“We’re honored that Kim Rubio and the staff of the Uvalde Leader-News allowed our team into their worlds in a period of staggering grief,” said Cindy Galli, executive producer of ABC News’ Investigative Unit. “This documentary is the embodiment of our initiative to remain in Uvalde and share with the world how it grieved, struggled, rose up and inspired. No community should ever be defined by a tragedy that befalls it.”


The streaming premiere follows the film’s world premiere at the Dallas International Film Festival, where it won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary Feature. 'Print It Black' is the latest project from ABC News’ 'Uvalde 365', a commitment to remain in and report on Uvalde in the aftermath of the tragedy. ABC News journalists lived and worked in Uvalde for more than a year after the Robb Elementary shooting.

“Since the tragedy unfolded, we have amplified the Uvalde 365 project on our streaming channel and we are proud  to shine a light on the crucial role of local journalism in documenting communities long after the national headlines fade with this important film,” Seni Tienabeso, executive director of ABC News Live.