Aaron Carter's ex Melanie Martin claims manager Taylor Helgeson 'had a hand in his relapse'

LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA: Aaron Carter's ex-fiancee Melanie Martin gives a scathing response to his manager in a fiery Instagram post while accusing him of 'enabling, overworking and using' the late star, on Friday, November 18. Martin slammed Taylor Helgeson for having an unhealthy relationship with the celebrity in a string of photos on her Instagram account, alleging that he 'had a hand in Aaron's relapse' and he encouraged him to resume touring when he was battling with addiction.
Carter's manager Helgeson spoke in a series of interviews about the star's final words to him and his health condition in the days before his death. The deceased singer, 34, spent most of his life struggling with drug addiction. Reportedly, the bathroom where he was found dead contained cans of compressed air and prescription medications. Prior to his death, he said that he had been sober for almost five years.
Martin posted a screenshot addressing a recent article on Helgeson's interviews. She wrote, “This man did nothing to help Aaron. He enabled him so much. All he did was put a wedge between Aaron and I for the party to start." Martin added, “He tried to take over and brought him things that should have NEVER been brought to anyone. Let alone an addict.” She also accused him of taking advantage of Carter. “He overworked him when he was not well. He used him in life and now he’s still using him after death getting paid for interviews! This man wanted to get Aaron‘s career back but this wasn’t the time to do so,” she asserted. “Aaron needed help and needed rehab to be sober before he could revive his career. This man was no hero. He had a hand in his relapse,” she added.
Martin seemed to speak directly to Helgeson as the statement continued, “You enabled him and tried to overwork him into something he was not." Thereafter, before signing off she vowed, "I know I can’t bring back Aaron but I will always make sure the truth is spoken! I’ll protect Aaron for the rest of my life.”

The singer and songwriter was found dead at the age of 34 in the bathtub at his house in Lancaster on Saturday, November 5. According to law enforcement officials, a home sitter discovered his body and promptly phoned the authorities.