'9-1-1 Lone Star' Episode 1 features two men kissing and viewers complain that the show is 'too woke'

This story may contain spoilers for '9-1-1 Lone Star' premiere night
After Owen Strand (Rob Lowe) decides to make his way from Manhattan to Austin, Texas, in order to build a firehouse from scratch, and he takes along his son TK (Ronen Rubinstein).
The main reason behind taking along TK is that following a recent heartbreak, he tried to end his life by swallowing sleeping pills. TK, a homosexual man, had proposed to his partner the previous night, but having learned that his partner is in love with someone else (his spin instructor), TK is devastated and tries to end his life. While fans of actors Rob Lowe and Liv Tyler (who plays the role of Michelle Blake, possibly Lowe's love interest at some point of time in the series) are completely onboard the new procedural show and spin-off of '9-1-1', there are some viewers who have some very orthodox issues with a series that is prioritizing inclusivity and diversity.
Apart from Lowe and Tyler, the show features Natacha Karam as Marjan Marwani, a hijabi Muslim, who is so skilled in her job, she goes viral at least once a month. Confident and smart, Marjan knows exactly how to play her cards. Brian Michael Smith - fresh off the success in 'The L Word: Generation Q' - plays the role of Paul Strickland, a trans man with a keen sense of observation. Julian Works plays Mateo Chavez and Rafael Silva plays Carlos Reyes.
Some viewers have a special problem with the storyline being too woke. "As if Joe Buck wasn’t bad enough....I just tried to watch 911 Lone Star on Fox....god it was ULTRA WOKE. Left after 15 minutes," tweeted a fan. "So far not liking 911 Lone Star. P.C. & diversity to the extreme," chimed in another.

It seems like political correctness is not sitting well with most of Fox's audience. "Last week there was a new show on TV called the Sheriff. The 1st thing the star says is he will not enforce immigration laws. So I watched those 5 minutes & deleted it off my DVR. Tonight there is a new show @911LoneStar where a New Yorker moves to Austin to teach them his progressive ways. To show how ignorant Hollywood is the plot is to teach liberals of Austin how to be progressive," complained another viewer.
"Rob sinks to a heavy Lowe in his new tv dram 911: Lone Star. The first 2 min features dudes kissing, a sassy Muslim woman and a black tranny who punches a white guy, bother are being recruited to be firefighters or cops with Rob Lowe. Wait, here's the PTSD white guy, mocking," wrote a fan.
"I was all excited about lone star 911. Love rob lowe. Not 5 minutes in I get smacked in the face with GAY DUDES. Yay," said another viewer upset about seeing a homosexual couple, who was also quick to condemn a stranger on Twitter to hell. "Let my kids watch five minutes of 911 Lone Star. Barely into first episode and the “engagement” of guy is a black male who walks in and kisses him. So what is wrong with Hollywood and this country today. Trying to ram down everyone’s throats seems to be norm," wrote a viewer.
However, not all who watched the show felt bombarded by the story's plot. "Get over yourself. Straight people are always everywhere and you don't see anyone complaining. You're really sitting around being mad because a man kissed another man on t.v," defended a viewer.
'9-1-1 Lone Star' will return on January 20 at 8-9pm ET/PT on Fox.