'9-1-1 Lone Star' Episode 2 shuts down orthodox critics with stinging response to racism and fans are loving it

This story contains major spoilers for '9-1-1 Lone Star' episode 2 titled 'Yee-Haw'
When '9-1-1 Lone Star' premiered on Fox on January 20, there were a lot of complaints from some orthodox viewers who had problems with the diversity on the show, and inclusivity. The fact that the show includes a diverse and inclusive team of Natacha Karam as Marjan Marwani, Brian Michael Smith as Paul Strickland, Rafael Silva as Carlos Reyes, and Julian Works as Mateo Chavez did not sit well with some viewers. Add to that the fact that Carlos and TK (Ronen Rubinstein), Owen Strand's (Rob Lowe) son, are homosexual characters and Paul is a trans man, also seemed to have upset viewers. Many even swore to not return for the second episode if they hadn't already moved on a few minutes in.
But with its second episode, the show answered all the criticism with just one scene and it has got fans raving.
We see an old lady make a frantic 911 call informing them about a fire near her house. When the Austin firehouse reaches there, all they can see is barbacoa, which is a form of meat that is cooked underground. As it turns out, the lady is highly racist and had made the call on her Spanish neighbors. She had also made a call the previous week on some other occasion. When called out for her racism, she gets defensive and throws a fit. When Strand says he is making a citizen arrest for having wrongly called in the fire, she feigns a heart attack. Then after eventually agreeing to be arrested, she goes on to choose from the diverse cast because she has a problem with all of them,
Fans are loving the show's response to the critics. "Because im making a citizen’s arrest” “put your hands behind your back” LAJDHDHDHFJ LOVE HAT," tweeted a pleased fan. "911 Lone Star showed a gay sex scene, witchcraft, and a racist white woman being arrested on their second episode on air. bravo, fox. I can dig it," said another pleased fan.
"So I’m watching this show called 911: Lone Star and sis the diversity !!" said another. "Sure ma'am but just know I am a homosexual," tweeted another fan quoting TK's dialogue accompanied by a hilarious image.
"Y'all should watch 911 Lone-Star!! it has good diversity and i love it soooo much," a fan recommended the show. "Watching 911 lone star this racist faked a heart attack and when the muslim firefighter tried to help her she kept saying other people could do it but they’re all gay and uncertified so she was like “man just take me to jail” HELLO?????" tweeted a fan.
"911 lone star is such a good show bitch they got gays, trans, men who care about skin care, and most importantly Liv Tyler," noted another.
'9-1-1 Lone Star' will return on Monday, January 27, 2020, at 8-9 pm ET/ PT on FOX.