'The Outpost' Season 4: Garret to Yavalla, here are 5 characters we don't want to see on fantasy adventure show

'The Outpost' is now running on The CW on its third season. Over the course of the three seasons so far, the fantasy-adventure drama series has had a pretty impressive run. So much so that the network had already renewed it for a new season ahead of its Season 3 premiere. Sure The CW is not calling it a fourth season but rather an additional 13 episodes of season three, but for fans, this is a reason to rejoice because it gives 'The Outpost' Season 3 a total of 39 episodes.
The Outpost follows Talon (Green), the lone survivor of a race called the Blackbloods. She has come a long way since Season 1 making the Outpost her home. While her challenges were different earlier what with The Prime Order wanting her dead, this time around, the hurdles that lie in front of her are her own people. Or are they? In this journey, Talon is joined by people who support and love and those who want her out of the way altogether. Some are fan favourites, others are absolutely despised. Here's a comprehensive list of the characters we think shouldn't return for the new season. You might disagree with most of them, but not all characters are keepers - accept that.
Garret Spears

Played by Jake Stormoen, Garret was introduced in Season 1 as Talon's love interest. After a very undulating start, considering his involvement with the Queen, the two did express their feelings for each other. When the show returned for Season 3 earlier this month, there was also an entire sequence dedicated to them which fans of the couple loved. But here's why we want the character out - he is boring. Frankly, Garret doesn't add any value to the storyline. If anything, he drags his down. Most of his Season 2 run was extremely frustrating and quite redundant.
And if you argue he must remain as a love interest for Talon, no. We think Zed (Reece Ritchie) is much better suitor for her. Being Blackbloods - and with kinj - together Zed and Talon are a powerhouse. But also because there is something about the angry chemistry between them that intrigues us. In front of that, Garret is meh. Plus the number of times that the makers have killed him and magically brought him back to life is tedious to watch.

Yavalla might have arrived at the Outpost from the plane of ashes as a peace-bringer, but now three episodes into Season 3, she is being an arrogant "sneaky snake". With the kinj now in her possession, Yavalla (Jaye Griffiths) is stronger than when what she was when she first arrived at the Outpost. While we think her character will be dictating a lot of the plot developments in the upcoming few episodes - especially since one of the synopses suggest that she will be taking over the Outpost - we don't want her returning. An antagonist like Yavalla doesn't have a long shelf-life. And if the makers do indulge that character for long, it will make the show far more redundant than it was when they did the same with Garret.

Now Gwynn, we have mixed feelings about. Played by Imogen Waterhouse, Gwynn was a very interesting character throughout the first two seasons when there was some mystique and intrigue surrounding her. But now with the latest episode, Gywnn is a mere pawn in her own kingdom. In a love affair with Tobin (Aaron Fontaine) now, Gwynn's character as the damsel in distress with little room to move is a bit of a drag. Either give her character some more agency or have her out. Don't keep the Queen locked in isolation.

The son Queen's maid had first arrived at the Outpost posing as her dead brother, but his real intentions were only that of survival. Sammy (James Downie) might have found a hidden escape from the mines, but Sammy's character only adds more emotional baggage on Gwynn and keeps her from risk-taking.

Naya, played by Amita Suman, had a roller-coaster of character arc in Season 2 and emerged as a strong contender among the female characters on the show. Hilariously, she also turned out to be the long-lost sister of her love interest Janzo (Anand Desai-Barochia). But they came to terms with it. At the end of the previous season, she fled the Outpost shortly before the conquest. So far, we have not seen her in Season 3, but we wouldn't miss her much if she were to not return.