Heartbroken over multiple miscarriages in family, 19-year-old looks after her collection of 13 'reborn' dolls as babies
Harridge’s mother and sister both suffered miscarriages in 2015 and 2016 respectively, and she now looks after her 13 “reborn” dolls to ease the pain of the tragedy
19-year-old Natasha Harridge, from Rugby has an expansive and expensive collection of life-like dolls, which she takes care of, like her own babies. A customer service apprentice by profession, Harridge has been collecting her baby dolls since 2014 as a form of therapy, after struggling to cope with the grief of two miscarriages in her family, reports Daily Mail.
Harridge’s mother and sister both suffered miscarriages in 2015 and 2016 respectively, and she now looks after her 13 “reborn” dolls to ease the pain that the tragedies caused her. She looks at them as the physical forms of the niece and brother that she lost.