'16 and Pregnant': Kash struggles with on-again-off-again baby daddy Nate's temper issues

The highly-anticipated episode featuring Kasmonyae Harris (Kash) and her boyfriend Nate is about to air tonight on MTV. It was originally meant to air last week but elections led to the episode being postponed by a week. Until now, Kash's personal life and other details regarding the episode were kept under wraps. She's not huge on using social media so no information could be extracted from there as well, in terms of, where she and her on-off relationship with her baby daddy Nate stands. The network has finally released a sneak peek into the episode and here's what we know.
Kash's life has been full of ups and downs since the very beginning. At a very young age, she was sent off to live with her paternal grandmother along with her 5-year-old twin siblings. Her father was in and out of prison and out of the picture for most of the time. Her mom sending them off left Kash with severe abandonment issues. However, she grew up to be very close to her grandmother Linda. The latter described Kash as the yin to her yang. She was in a state of disbelief when Kash texted her about the pregnancy. However, she quickly accepted the situation and was doing everything she could to lend support.
While Kash was getting all the backing from Linda, she wasn't on exactly great terms with Nate. The two broke up when she was almost 32 weeks pregnant because she was finding it difficult to deal with his temper issues. Nate, on the other hand, was aware of his shortcomings but he blamed it on the lack of a male role model in his life. "It's just a lot of pain and I don't really know how to take well to emotion because my mom raised me," he said. "I just need to know how to control myself and how to make sure that I am level-headed."
On top of being broken up, he was also living away from Kash, in Los Angeles. His mom had sent him off to stay with his uncle after the two butted heads over something and he put a hole in the wall during the argument and passed out on the floor. Kash still cared about him despite the breakup and was hoping for him to be present at their baby shower.
Nate, on the other hand, was not exactly very happy that he was living far away from Kash because he didn't want to make her feel that he was abandoning her. He was ready to be a very hands-on father to their unborn daughter who they'd already named Nova Marie. His father abandoned him when he was a baby and he didn't want to put Nova through it. He also mentioned that Kash kept breaking up with him over "dumb reasons" but at the same time he understood that it was the hormones and the stress of their baby coming in a few weeks so he decided to play by ear. He was of the belief that a baby's life is better when both parents are pregnant and wanted to go back just for that sole reason.
'16 and Pregnant' airs Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on MTV.