'1000-lb Sisters': What happened to Tammy Slaton? The star's tragic health issues left her suicidal

The teaser for the upcoming Season 2 of '1000-lb Sisters' reiterates the health issues of sisters Amy and Tammy Slaton whose weight loss journey is the focus of this show. The previous season ended with Amy losing enough weight after which she underwent bariatric surgery to lose more weight. Tammy, on the other hand, wasn't very successful and her condition deteriorates further and will be highlighted in Season 2, which premieres in the first week of January 2021.
"I had reached Dr Procter’s goal for surgery… But I’ve fallen off the wagon," she admits in the preview. Tammy was supposed to reach her goal weight before she could be cleared to undergo surgery and she initially did lose some, however, it's clear from the video that she gained all the weight that she'd managed to drop, and then some.
A silver lining for her is when her brother offers to support her by volunteering to join the process and in return lose some pounds himself. Tammy is ready to dive headfirst into her diet, exercises and other programs. Not just her brother's support, it was also an alarming revelation about her health condition by Dr Procter that was responsible to put her back on track. "Your chances of dying in the next 5 years are about 80%," Dr Procter warned Tammy. She was in desperate need to lose weight for her own sake and the only way to do this was to immerse herself into the process of reaching her goal soon. She was seen using a walker to move around and every few steps saw her struggling with her breath.
While the rest of what happens will be revealed in the next season, here's a look at all the health conditions that Tammy has been battling over the years. Before the series debuted, TLC shared: "Tammy's limited mobility forces her to rely on Amy more than she'd like to, adding to the tension that already exists just from living under the same roof. She hasn't left home in six years except for medical attention, and the isolation has taken a toll on both of them." Tammy has admitted to having coped with two blood clots, pneumonia, and several medical procedures, in an interview with Louisville Courier Journal. She also spoke about the time when she was being placed on life support in the past. "I'm tired of being sick all the time," she admitted. "I'm just done," she had told the outlet according to Soap Dirt.
In 2019, Tammy was admitted to the hospital with a very swollen and painful foot that made it impossible for her to stand. "I got gout," she said. Battling all of her weight-related health issues took a big toll on her. The immobility after which she was left confined to the house and this isolation, in turn, resulted in depression. Tammy had become overwhelmed to a point that she considered ending her life. “I attempted to kill myself last January,” she told People Magazine in 2019. But that incident served as a wake-up call for her and she decided to take matters seriously because she wanted to survive and not end up dead at 35.
Recently, Tammy was diagnosed with pneumonia and Covid-19 and was hospitalized. As a result of spending weeks in the hospital, her weight loss goals went for a toss and for which she blames the lockdowns. The lowest that the star has ever been is 550 pounds.
'1000-lb Sisters' airs on Monday, January 4, at 10 pm ET on TLC.