10 best crocodile movies every cinephile must watch

Due to the popularity of crocodile movies like 'Crocodile 2' and 'Eaten Alive', crocodiles have become popular creatures in movies. Hollywood has tried to frighten audiences with these cold-blooded reptiles.
The majority of crocodile movies are comically bad, but there are a few gems that show how effectively the idea may be applied. Check out the 10 best crocodile movies listed below that every cinephile must watch at least once.
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Top 10 crocodile movies
1. 'Crocodile 2: Death Swamp' (2002)
'Crocodile 2: Death Swamp' is a more serious horror film than its predecessor, focusing on a group of plane crash survivors stuck in a swamp with a killer crocodile.
2. 'Eaten Alive' (1976)
'Eaten Alive' is a mix of horror and slasher, with a deranged hotel owner feeding bodies to a crocodile.
3. 'Dark Age' (1987)
'Dark Age' is a refreshing take on the concept of a crocodile hunt, where humans are the main villains and the hero must find a way to stop the crocodile and keep peace with the locals.
4. 'Black Water' (2007)
'Black Water' is a suspenseful thriller about isolation, not a traditional animal film. 'Black Water' is handled with care and tension, resulting in a low number of deaths.
5. 'Rogue' (2007)
'Rogue' is a simple but effective movie about a group of tourists stranded in the wilderness and are being stalked by a crocodile.
6. 'Black Water: Abyss' (2020)
'Black Water: Abyss' is a superior sequel to 'The Descent', featuring well-acted characters and a mix of claustrophobic horror, killer animal, and thalassophobia.
7. 'Primeval' (2007)
'Primeval' tells the story of American journalists who must capture and film a giant crocodile named Gustave while battling a warlord from Burundi.
8. 'Lake Placid' (1999)
'Lake Placid' is inspired by 'Jaws', but it puts its own spin on the formula to make it a fun horror comedy. 'Lake Placid' is a cult classic due to its amazing effects, comedy, and chills from the crocodile villain.
9. 'Crawl' (2019)
'Crawl' is a crocodile movie set during a hurricane and follows a woman and her father as they are trapped in their house with an infestation of alligators.
10. 'Dark Age' (1988)
A vicious crocodile that seems to be connected spiritually to the local Aboriginals must be dealt with by a park ranger, IMDb reported.