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'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3: Decoding the real reason why Godwin killed this key character

Here's the true story behind King Edmund's demise in 'Vikings: Valhalla'
Godwin plays pivotal role in shaping Viking history in 'Valhalla' (@netflix)
Godwin plays pivotal role in shaping Viking history in 'Valhalla' (@netflix)

Contain spoilers for 'Vikings: Valhalla'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In the latest season of 'Vikings: Valhalla,' viewers are thrust into the intrigue and betrayal surrounding King Edmund's shocking demise at the hands of his trusted advisor, Godwin.

Set over a century after the original 'Vikings' series, 'Vikings: Valhalla' follows a new generation of Viking warriors, led by Leif Erikson, Freydís Eiríksdóttir, and Harald Sigurdsson. Edmund, portrayed by Louis Davison, inherits the English throne amidst escalating tensions with the Vikings, seeking revenge for past atrocities.

As the series unfolds, Godwin's motivations for turning against Edmund become a central mystery. Initially seen as loyal, Godwin's betrayal plunges England into turmoil, altering the course of Viking history. The aftermath of Edmund's death sets the stage for further power struggles and alliances in a world where betrayal is a constant threat.

'Vikings: Valhalla' continues to delve into the complexities of power, loyalty, and revenge in a gripping portrayal of the final years of the Viking Age, promising new revelations and intense conflicts as the saga unfolds.

How did Godwin kill King Edmund after a betrayal in 'Vikings: Valhalla'?

Godwin's shocking act in 'Vikings: Valhalla' redefines loyalty and power dynamics (@netflix)
Godwin's shocking act in 'Vikings: Valhalla' redefines loyalty and power dynamics (@netflix)

In 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 1's climactic moments, Godwin's betrayal of King Edmund unfolds amidst political turmoil. With Canute absent, Sweyn Forkbeard's violent rule over England incites resistance led by Edmund, spurred on by Godwin.

However, Godwin's allegiance shifts as he orchestrates Edmund's downfall, deceiving him into a fatal ambush. By eliminating Edmund, Godwin solidifies his loyalty to Forkbeard and Canute, aligning with Emma's political agenda.

This betrayal not only averts a potential conflict between Edmund and Canute but also cements Godwin's reputation as a cunning and untrustworthy figure in the power struggles of Viking-era England.

Historical accuracy vs dramatic fiction: Godwin's role in King Edmund's death in 'Vikings: Valhalla'?

'Vikings: Valhalla' blends history with drama in the death of King Edmund (@netflix)
'Vikings: Valhalla' blends history with drama in the death of King Edmund (@netflix)

In 'Vikings: Valhalla', the depiction of Godwin killing King Edmund diverges significantly from historical reality. While the series takes many liberties with its characters and storylines, the show goes even further by weaving together narratives that blend fiction with historical events.

The show merges characters who never crossed paths in real life, such as Leif and Harald, and adapts historical events to suit its dramatic narrative. In reality, King Edmund's death did occur shortly after he made a pact with Canute, delineating territorial control in England.

According to historical records, Canute was to rule over England north of the Thames, while Edmund retained the south, including London, with the throne passing to Canute upon Edmund's death. However, the exact circumstances of Edmund's demise remain shrouded in mystery, with historical accounts suggesting he was likely murdered.

Contrary to the portrayal of 'Vikings: Valhalla', there is no historical evidence to support Godwin's involvement in Edmund's death. This fictional twist serves to heighten the series' dramatic tension and to underscore the unpredictable alliances and betrayals within the show's Viking-era political landscape.

'Vikings: Valhalla' is available for streaming on Netflix