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'Under the Bridge' Episode 7 Takeaway: Warren Glowatski's testimony falls hefty on Kelly Ellard

'Under the Bridge' is a true crime drama miniseries adapted from Rebecca Godfrey's book of the same
UPDATED MAY 22, 2024
Warren Glowatski's testimony may bring justice for Reena Virk and convict Kelly Ellard in 'Under the Bridge' (@hulu)
Warren Glowatski's testimony may bring justice for Reena Virk and convict Kelly Ellard in 'Under the Bridge' (@hulu)

Contains spoilers for 'Under the Bridge' Episode 7

VANCOUVER, CANADA: 'Under the Bridge' Episode 7, titled 'Three and Seven', has officially premiered on Hulu, finally revealing the truth behind the murder of Reena Virk (Vritika Gupta).

In 'Under the Bridge' Episode 6, cops apprehend Warren Glowatski (Javon Walton), Josephine Bell (Chloe Guidry), Kelly Ellard (Izzy G), and Dusty Pace (Aiyana Goodfellow) for their alleged role in Reena's murder.

'Under the Bridge' Episode 7 begins with the aftermath of the arrests made in the previous episode. As the investigation continues, new details emerge that shed light on the events leading up to Reena's death.

There's a lot to uncover in 'Under the Bridge' Episode 7. Let's jump in!

Kelly Ellard plot to flee detention center in Episode 7

Izzy G as Kelly Ellard in a still from 'Under the Bridge' Episode 7 (@hulu)
Izzy G as Kelly Ellard in a still from 'Under the Bridge' Episode 7 (@hulu)

'Under the Bridge' Episode 7 depicts the difficult circumstances Warren, Kelly, Josephine, and Dusty endure as they spend time in a detention center, awaiting trial for their roles in Reena's murder.

However, Josephine and Kelly show no remorse for their involvement in Reena's murder, indicating a disturbing lack of guilt despite the seriousness of their actions.

When Kelly's parents visit her, she expresses her distress, saying she can't cope with being in the detention center and feels like she's just a little girl. Kelly also mentions that other people have been isolating her. 

It is ironic that Kelly, who was a bully to Reena and played a role in her death, now feels bullied herself just because she is restricted from talking to her friends. Kelly is a selfish girl who lacks guilt and instead prioritizes her own well-being above all else.

With Josephine's assistance, Kelly devises a plan to provoke other inmates into hitting her. When they finally hit her, she starts crying, using the incident as a means to justify her departure from the detention facility.

After the incident, Kelly's parents successfully argue that she is unsafe in the detention facility. As a result, authorities allow her to return home until her trial date arrives.

Izzy G as Kelly Ellard in a still from 'Under the Bridge' (@hulu)
Izzy G as Kelly Ellard in a still from 'Under the Bridge' (@hulu)

However, Kelly's selfishness is evident when she decides to go home alone, leaving Josephine behind. She tells Josephine to stay in the detention center, assuring her that her lawyer will do something to get her out.

In this moment, Josephine realizes how selfish Kelly is, as Kelly happily leaves while Josephine remains behind. When Josephine questions Kelly about whether she ever experiences remorse or has nightmares about Reena's murder, Kelly coldly asserts that she never does, showcasing her cold and remorseless nature.

It seems likely that Josephine may testify against Kelly in the final episode, as she feels betrayed by Kelly's selfish actions. With Josephine's testimony against Kelly, there is a strong possibility that Kelly could be convicted for her role in Reena's murder.

Will Kelly Ellard face consequences for killing Reena Virk?

Izzy G as Kelly Ellard in a still from 'Under the Bridge' Episode 5 (@hulu)
Izzy G as Kelly Ellard in a still from 'Under the Bridge' (@hulu)

Kelly's parents, who possess considerable power and wealth, may attempt to use their influence to secure her freedom. As they successfully prove to the authorities that she is unsafe in detention, they might devise a plan to shift the blame onto someone else, potentially Josephine because she instigated the conflict that led to Reena's death. 

Given Kelly's selfish nature, it is possible that she might resort to testifying falsely against Josephine, accusing her of Reena's murder. Such a false testimony could not only further complicate the case but also highlight Kelly's willingness to manipulate the situation to her advantage.

Despite Kelly's parents' efforts, mounting evidence against Kelly could ultimately lead to her conviction for Reena's murder in the last episode.

Izzy G as Kelly Ellard and Matt Craven as Roy Bentland in a still from 'Under the Bridge' Episode 6 (@hulu)
Izzy G as Kelly Ellard and Matt Craven as Roy Bentland in a still from 'Under the Bridge' (@hulu)

Warren's testimony in the trial, where he admitted his and Kelly's role in Reena's murder, sets a significant precedent. Dusty and Josephine, who were also involved in the first assault on Reena, could further provide testimony against Kelly.

Their statements, combined with other evidence, could paint a compelling picture of Kelly's culpability, leaving little room for doubt about her involvement in Reena's murder. 

Kelly could finally be convicted for killing Reena, along with Warren, Josephine and Dusty, because they also participated in the initial assault on Reena.

'Under the Bridge' Episode 7 is now streaming on Hulu.