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'The Bear' Season 3 Episode 9 Takeaway: Will Carmy Berzatto and Claire get back together?

Carmy Berzatto misses his time with Claire in 'The Bear' Season 3 but doesn't dare to apologize
The fate of Carmy Berzatto and Claire's relationship remains a point of intrigue in 'The Bear' Season 3 (@fxnetworks)
The fate of Carmy Berzatto and Claire's relationship remains a point of intrigue in 'The Bear' Season 3 (@fxnetworks)

Contains spoilers for 'The Bear' Season 3

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Carmy Berzatto (Jeremy Allen White) and Claire's relationship finally takes center stage in Episode 9 of 'The Bear' Season 3.

Fans had eagerly awaited to learn if their love story continued after Season 2, and Claire's absence in the early episodes of Season 3 only heightened their curiosity.

Here's a quick recap from Season 2: Claire (Molly Gordon) parted ways with Carmy upon learning what he felt about their relationship.

When Carmy got locked in a walk-in fridge, he began to question his life choices. Calling his relationship with Claire an 'amusement', he said that it was a waste of time.

Claire heard it all and decided to walk away from Carmy's life with dignity.

Does Carmy Berzatto apologize to Claire in 'The Bear' Season 3?

Jeremy Allen White as Carmy Berzatto in 'The Bear' (@fxnetworks)
Jeremy Allen White as Carmy Berzatto in 'The Bear' (@fxnetworks)

Throughout Season 3, we see Carmy being busy with restaurant duties, but in Episode 9, he finally confesses that he still thinks about Claire.

Neil (Matty Matheson) and Theodore Fak (Ricky Staffieri) encourage him to reconcile with Claire by apologizing. Carmy accepts their suggestion, sits in the walk-in fridge, and tries to call Claire.

However, his inability to admit his mistake and lack of courage prevent him from making the call.

Will Claire and Carmy Berzatto get back together in 'The Bear' Season 3?

Jeremy Allen White and Molly Gordon in 'The Bear' (FX/@chuckhodes)
Jeremy Allen White and Molly Gordon in 'The Bear' (@fx/@chuckhodes)

Towards the end of the episode, Neil and Theodore go behind Carmy's back and pay a visit to Claire at the hospital.

They try hard to advocate for Carmy, who couldn't bring himself to apologize. Despite their mentions of how much Carmy loves her, Claire seems unconvinced.

At this point, she is extremely hurt. In fact, from the viewer's perspective, Claire did the right thing by walking out of a relationship where her presence wasn't appreciated.

There's no doubt that they both love each other. However, love isn't always enough. Claire has chosen to prioritize her self-respect, while Carmy is struggling with his ego.

Their reunion seems unlikely until Carmy apologizes to her himself and explains why he said everything he did inside the fridge.

'The Bear' Season 3 is available to stream on Hulu and Disney+.