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'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 Ending Explained: Lady Jane Grey discovers a startling truth about her husband

'My Lady Jane' stars Emily Bader, Edward Bluemel and Jordan Peters in pivotal roles
Lady Jane Grey discovers a surprising revelation about her husband, Lord Guildford Dudley, in 'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 (@primevideo)
Lady Jane Grey discovers a surprising revelation about her husband, Lord Guildford Dudley, in 'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers for 'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 on Amazon Prime Video

LONDON, ENGLAND: 'My Lady Jane' is getting more intense with each episode, drawing viewers deeper into its rich tapestry of intrigue, mystery, and unexpected twists.

The Prime Video series, adapted by Gemma Burgess from the popular novels that reimagine the life of Lady Jane Grey, masterfully blends historical events with elements of fantasy and romance.

In 'My Lady Jane' Episode 1, viewers are introduced to the formidable Lady Frances Grey (Anna Chancellor), who has arranged a marriage between her daughter, Jane (Emily Bader), and Lord Guildford Dudley (Edward Bluemel).

In Episode 2, the plot thickens as the marriage between Jane and Lord Guildford finally takes place. Let's discover the events of 'My Lady Jane' Episode 2. 

Lady Jane Grey's life takes an unexpected turn after marriage in Episode 2

Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

'My Lady Jane' Episode 1 ends on a cliffhanger, with Jane collapsing suddenly, blood trickling from her mouth, leaving the congregation in shock. In Episode 2, the shocking revelation unfolds that Jane is perfectly fine, and her collapse is part of a plan to avoid getting married.

As Jane is attended to by medical professionals and her family looks in concern, it becomes clear that her collapse was a strategic move to disrupt the wedding ceremony and defy her mother's wishes.

When the doctor declares Jane to be in good health, Lady Frances wastes no time in escorting her daughter back to the altar. Jane finds herself standing once again before Lord Guildford.

Jane finally says the words that bind her to Lord Guildford. The vows are spoken, the rings exchanged, and the marriage is solemnized.

As the episode progresses, Jane's life takes a surreal turn when she discovers a shocking secret about her husband. Jane learns that Lord Guildford is actually an Ethian, a shapeshifter with the ability to transform into a majestic horse.

However, Jane soon learns that Lord Guildford's ability to shift between his human and horse forms is not as simple as it seems. Unlike other Ethians, who can easily transition between their human and animal forms, Lord Guildford struggles with his transformation, often getting stuck in one form for extended periods.

Subsequently, Lord Dudley (Rob Brydon), Lord Guildford's father, arrives and threatens Jane. He reveals that the marriage between an Ethian and a human is strictly forbidden by the Ethian council, and if anyone finds out, they could be killed.

She must decide whether to keep the truth hidden to protect herself and Lord Guildford or risk everything by defying the Ethian council and revealing the secret that could tear their world apart.

Why did Lord Guildford Dudley marry Lady Jane Grey?

Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey and Edward Bluemel as Lord Guildford Dudley in a still from 'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 (@primevideo)
Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey and Edward Bluemel as Lord Guildford Dudley in a still from 'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 (@primevideo)

As the episode progresses, Jane decides to keep the secret to herself but begins to doubt her marriage with Lord Guildford. Later on, she discovers a collection of books written in various languages, all detailing the history, culture, and abilities of the Ethians. 

Subsequently, Lord Guildford, burdened by his inability to shapeshift like other Ethians, turns to Jane for help. He confides in her, revealing his struggle to control his transformations.

Lord Guildford, recognizing Jane's intelligence and resourcefulness, requests her help in deciphering and understanding the books written in different languages about Ethians. Lord Guildford hopes that Jane's knowledge and understanding of the texts will shed light on his condition and help him find a way to control his transformations.

Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

Jane discovers that he married her not for political gain but for her intellect. As the truth comes to light, Jane agrees to help Lord Guildford.

Later on, Lord Guildford makes a solemn promise to Jane: once she finds a cure for his condition and helps him control his shapeshifting abilities, their marriage will end, and Jane will be free to pursue her own path.

They sleep in separate rooms, as they no longer consider themselves husband and wife. However, despite this distance, the tension between them is palpable.

Will Jane ever find the cure? Only time will tell.

'My Lady Jane' Episode 2 is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video