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'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' Ending Explained: What happens to lone cowboy Hayes Ellison?

The epic Western film 'Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1' is the first of four films that will explore the pre-and post-Civil War American eras
Kevin Costner plays the character of Hayes Ellison in 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)
Kevin Costner plays the character of Hayes Ellison in 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)

Contains spoilers for ' 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Set against the backdrop of pre-and post-Civil War America, 'Horizon: An American Saga—Chapter 1' sets the stage for the epic Western saga's three films, which will continue to portray a panoramic image of the American West in the late 1800s.

Headlined by Kevin Costner, (who also stars in the film), the movie intertwines the lives of settlers, indigenous tribes, and relentless vigilantes, painting a vivid picture of survival, revenge, and redemption.

The film primarily revolves around three primary narratives and serves as a prelude to the ensuing uproar.

What happens between Hayes Ellison and Marigold in 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1'? 

Abbey Lee in a still from 'Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)
Abbey Lee in a still from 'Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)

Hayes Ellison (Kevin Costner) is introduced in the film as a lone cowboy who rides into a lonely frontier hamlet, purportedly to sell horses. After being approached by a seemingly attractive young courtesan (Abbey Lee), he fights and flees with Marigold and Ellen's (Jena Malone) son.

Ellen murders a man who wronged her, and now his two adult sons, Junior (Jon Beavers) and Caleb (Jamie Campbell Bower) seek revenge for their father.

Now, Hayes and Marigold spend most of the film on a run with Ellen's kid and end up having a night of passion in the last few minutes of the movie. 

However, the very next morning, Hayes discovers that both Marigold and the boy have vanished, and she has left a letter for him, whose contents remain undisclosed.

It turns out Marigold has left the boy to a tribe, noting that the boy is an orphan and requesting that they care for him, but where Marigold has gone remains a mystery, which will most likely be solved in the future chapter.

Did Frances Kittredge and First Lt Trent Gephardt end up together in 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1'? 

Sienna Miller as Frances Kittredge
in a still from 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)
Sienna Miller as Frances Kittredge in a still from 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)

The ferocity of the Apaches is also highlighted in the narrative, which takes place in the middle of the night in the Horizon community where they attack a town.

The Frontiersmen furiously attempt to defend themselves by blocking the doors, and some of the women seek refuge in an airless tunnel under their cabin while the massacre proceeds above them.

One of the women is Frances Kittredge (Sienna Miller), who barely escapes the attack with her daughter Elizabeth (Georgia MacPhail).

They are ultimately transported safely to a camp. Following the horrible tragedy, Frances is shown rebuilding a new life for herself and her daughter, while also developing a connection with First Lt Trent Gephardt (Sam Worthington).

As the film goes on, Frances notices Trent, who seems to be expecting her. As the two begin to speak, Trent apologizes for all of the rumors about her and his connection that have achieved scandalous notoriety in the camp.

But Frances made her intentions obvious by kissing the man and leaving him smiling.

Did the white vigilantes slaughter the Apaches in 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1'? 

A still from 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)
A still from 'Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1' (@newlinecinema)

A gang of white vigilantes, including Horizon survivors and bounty hunters, seeks revenge for their brutality by slaughtering and selling Apache scalps.

In the concluding moments of the saga, the gang plans an ambush on the Apaches against another tribe.

A white youngster is led to a minuscule cliff to observe the grisly crime via binoculars, and as the killing unfolds, he weeps, lowering his eyes, and falls to his knees as the men mercilessly remove the tribal men's scalps.

The film concludes with a montage of sequences providing a preview of the following part, titled 'Horizon: An American Saga, Part 2', which is set to be released on August 16, 2024.

'Horizon: An American Saga' trailer