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'Dark Matter': Jason 1's scheme to battle Jason 2 teases an explosive showdown

A tough battle between Jason 1 and Jason 2 awaits as 'Dark Matter' heads to a conclusion with last two episodes
Jason Dessen has to fight his alternate self in the final episodes of 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Jason Dessen has to fight his alternate self in the final episodes of 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Dark Matter'

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: With only two episodes pending release, 'Dark Matter' on Apple TV+ has gotten more interesting than ever. The mysteries and adventures in Jason Dessen's (Joel Edgerton) life are nearing an electrifying conclusion and we can't wait to see how the drama ends.

Fans have been glued to the show long enough, witnessing Jason 1's never-ending multiverse travels, switching between dozens of realities, while trying to find his own. However, Episode 7 marks a major development in his adventures.

Jason 1 finally arrives in his reality in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7

'Dark Matter' featuring Joel Edgerton is set to premiere on May 8, 2024 (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

In 'Dark Matter' Episode 7, Jason 1 finally arrives in his reality. With just one pill left, he remembers the first time he met Daniela and pens down his deepest of emotions in a beautiful manner.

Prior to opening the door, he acknowledges that he has left a perfect world where Max is alive only to return to his imperfect world with Daniela (Jennifer Connelly) and Charlie (Oakes Fegley).

As he is finally able to control his thoughts and navigate his mind to the desired world, he ultimately lands in his own reality.

The empty ampoules outside the box makes his realise that it is indeed a reality where Jason 2 lives with Daniela and Charlie. He confirms it by visiting the Village Tap bar and checks if Max's remembrance tree is there in his backyard.

How does Jason 1 plan to take down Jason 2 in 'Dark Matter'?

Joel Edgerton in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Peeping through the window of his house, he sees Jason 2 with Daniela and Charlie, prompting him to take a swift action to reclaim his life.

He rushes to a gun store to purchase a handgun. The urgency in this scene shows Jason 1's desperation to confront Jason 2.

So far, he hasn't planned how to take down Jason 2. All his time during the multiverse travel, he was busy trying to figure out a way to return home. Not once, he had the chance to think or plan how he would fight the evil version of himself.

And therefore, when he finally returns, the only thing he could think of was grabbing his hands onto a weapon that could help him during his confrontation with Jason 2, even though he has never used a gun before.

However, as he lacks FOID (Firearm Owner's Identification), he leaves after buying a pepper spray and a knife.

Given Jason 2's meticulous planning and ruthless approach, Jason 1 is in for a formidable battle. The only thing that could ensure Jason 1's victory is Daniela, as the two share a bond and memories that Jason 2 doesn't possess.

Moreover, he surely can't kill Daniela because she is the reason why Jason 2 came to Reality 1.

What's your speculation for the 'Dark Matter' climax?

'Dark Matter' is available to stream on Apple TV+.