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'Dark Matter' Episode 7 Explainer: 4 clues that suggest Jason 1 has returned to his original reality

Jason Dessen's multiverse adventures finally come to an end in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 while the final face-off awaits in upcoming episodes
UPDATED JUN 14, 2024
Jason Dessen uses the last ampoule to return to his reality in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 (@appletv+)
Jason Dessen uses the last ampoule to return to his reality in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Dark Matter'

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: The mind-bending multiverse plot has managed to keep fans hooked to Apple TV+'s 'Dark Matter' so far. With two episodes left to release, the sci-fi series has begun to wrap up Jason Dessen's (Joel Edgerton) adventures in superposition.

'Dark Matter' Episode 7 takes a major twist as Jason makes his final attempts to return to his original reality. It was established from the outset that Jason had very limited chances, as he and Amanda Lucas (Alice Braga) could get hold of only 50 ampoules.

After 29 days of switching between realities, the ampoules are rapidly depleting. Out of the last five, he hands over two to Amanda, who chooses to stay in one of the realities. When Jason is left with only one ampoule, he tries his best to imagine his reality.

The four clues in the final moments of the episode suggest that Jason 1 has indeed returned to his reality. Read on!

1. Broken seal of the box

Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

When Jason comes out of the box one last time, it's revealed that the box has been partially cemented. In Reality 1, Jason 2 had sealed up the box to stop Jason 1 from returning.

However, when Ryan Holder's (Jimmi Simpson) disappearance raised suspicion, he broke a small part of the cemented wall and went to the box to bring another version of Ryan.

While at this point Jason 1 doesn't know why the box has been covered with a cemented wall, it serves as a cue for the audience that he has finally returned to his world.

2. Empty ampoules

Joel Edgerton in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 (@appletv+)

Just outside the box, Jason 1 finds used ampoules on the floor, another strong hint that he is indeed back in his reality.

In none of the other realities did he find any clue of another version of himself embarking on multiverse travels. Jason 1 realizes that these used ampoules must have belonged to Jason 2 who abducted him.

3. A visit to Village Tap bar

Joel Edgerton appears as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton appears as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

To confirm that it is his reality, Jason 1 rushes to the Village Tap bar. Not only is the signboard familiar, but the placement of the wine shop also matches his reality.

As he walks into the bar, he immediately asks Matt, the bartender, if he recognizes him. Fortunately, this ticks off the list too.

4. Remembrance tree

Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly and Oakes Fegley in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly and Oakes Fegley in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Jason 1's final stop is his home. Before checking on Daniela (Jennifer Connelly) and Charlie (Oakes Fegley), he goes to his backyard to see if there is a remembrance tree.

If you have watched the series closely, you'd know that Jason and Daniela planted a tree in memory of their dead son, Max. While in most realities the tree didn't exist, one reality had Max alive.

The existence of the tree finally gives him a sigh of relief and he sets on a mission to reclaim his life from Jason 2.

In the upcoming episode, we hope to witness a thrilling face-off between Jason 1 and his alternate self.

'Dark Matter' is available to stream on Apple TV+.