I'd blow the f**king thing up: Zack Snyder called 'obnoxious and immature' after appearing to slam Joss Whedon

Ever since Zack Snyder made the official announcement that the 'Snyder Cut' of the 2017 film 'Justice League' will be releasing on HBO Max in 2021, there has been a whir of excitement. Fans have been terribly excited and have campaigned for three years trying to make this a reality. The story is well-known: Snyder had stepped away from the project six months before the release, due to a personal tragedy, and Warner Bros hired Joss Whedon to oversees the post-production.
The call for the Snyder Cut became loud and clear right after 'Justice League' was a debacle at the box office, and was panned by critics and the audience alike. Recently, at Comic-Con 2020, Snyder made a comment that he wouldn't use any of Whedon's footage for the film. "I'd destroy the movie before I use a single frame that I didn’t photograph. That is a f**king hard fact. I’d blow the f**king thing up," he said.
Fans were rather taken aback by the statement and began to slam Snyder on Twitter, calling these words unnecessary. "I know Wheldon destroyed his vision of the movie but this comment was a little unnecessary. just don't use it." Another responded, "Agreed. aside from the agreement of the overall immature Snyder fandom, its a purely immature move from Snyder. I support his original vision and stuff, but not the obnoxious anti-Joss commentary he's using as a bandwagon."
Others laughed and wrote that Snyder was acting as if he hadn't crafted any of the scenes in the film. "He’s acting like there isn’t one scene of his in that movie, which there are," a fan wrote. Some maintained that Snyder had done everything he needed to for the film. "He shot everything he needed by Feb 2017 they had almost 4 hours of film," one wrote. Others called him "mediocre" and that he had made no changes to the source material at all.
"Zack Snyder should do what he does best (mediocre), and be a visual effects artist. He has zero right to even mention himself in the same sentence as Joss. Everything he's directed was heavily dependent on the source material with little alteration," a fan wrote. Some even reminded him of the 'Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice' debacle. Joss Whedon is yet to react to these statements.