'Sundry Rock Song Stock' Review: Yves Jarvis weaves dreamy tale on experimental psychedelic folksy record

Canadian indie-pop musician Yves Jarvis returns with his latest album, 'Sundry Rock Song Stock', a collection of soothing low-fi indie-pop/rock tunes that elicit a deep sense of calm from any listener who happens to chance upon this gem.
Born Jean-Sébastien Audet, Jarvis first went by the stage name Un Blonde under which he released his debut album 'Tenet' in 2014 and his sophomore album 'Good Will Come to You' in 2016. The artiste adopted his current stage name in 2018 and followed the announcement up with his third album, 'The Same But By Different Means', released in 2019. And he now returns with his fourth, 'Sundry Rock Song Stock'.
On his latest release, Jarvis continues his musical exploration, blending everything from his core indie-pop/rock sound to folk, R&B, prog and more to create a lavish, yet coherent landscape. While 'The Same But By Different Means' was certainly just as experimental in its own ways, an experience spread out over 22 tracks that ranged from 14 seconds to eight minutes in length, 'Sundry Rock Song Stock' strips it down to 10 tracks, each of a more traditional length. This, perhaps, stems from Jarvis' approach to this album, which saw him record every instrument and mix every song on the album. The artiste went the extra mile and painted the album's cover art himself as well. With the exception of engineer Mark Lawson, who rolled the tape while Jarvis played the drums, 'Sundry Rock Song Stocks' is all Jarvis. And it truly shows.

CBC Music has described Jarvis as "undoubtedly one of Canada's most underrated singer-songwriters", further describing his sound as a "kind of autumnal, progressive folk". Exclaim calls him an "explorer of time, space, and his own instincts", while The Fader refers to his style as "uncovered recordings from an obscure spiritual retreat". When one describes psychedelic rock, the immediate sonic imaginations conjured might not be precisely what Jarvis puts out. Yet, if one were to really listen, they'd hear how psychedelia progressed from its roots to this almost dreamlike state where the personal and political collide deep within the wistful, soft vocals. A lot like the Pied Piper, Jarvis weaves a tune so gently alluring that you can't help but allow it to carry you along the tale he hopes to tell.
Jarvis' earliest exposure to music was in the form of busking. He brings back some elements of this outdoor performance-based music to his latest record, opting for an open-air environment and a makeshift studio as his tools for creating 'Sundry Rock Song Stock'. And instead of traditional sounds, he used a whole host of non-traditional instruments including a wine glass to mimic the sound of a flute, to bring his sonic vision to life on this album.
Speaking about his process, Jarvis shares, "I want my recordings to be naturalist, so from that sense, I am ideally making them outside. More than a musician or a singer, I'm a producer, and any studio I'm in will become my bedroom. Creation is my life and I don't compartmentalize it at all." He adds, "When you better yourself, you better the world. Even if you only interact with one person in your life, the effect of trying to see things for what they are is vast. Change can feel like a fantasy, but I'm not fatalistic about it. I make music because I get results that way. It's why I promote creativity, whatever that means for anyone."
His philosophy is very evidently translated into the album's sound, with the tracks gently flowing into one another and creating a sense of floating all the way through. Opening track 'Epitome' is the perfect introduction to the album, revealing the tone, the non-traditional instrumentation, and the undertones of psychedelia all rolled into one soothing sound. Tracks like 'Ambrosia', however, step sideways into something unique and whimsical, at once remaining true to the album's core sound while also offering something very unique.
Lyrically, the album gives off the vibe of intimate poems from a notebook strung together to create an experience like no other. 'For Props' sees Jarvis offer a commentary on the evils of a world consumed by consumerism, pointing to "earned fortunes" and the loss that goes along with it, particularly losing one's ability to empathize. 'Emblem' sows the seeds for a revolution, and closer 'Fact Almighty' sees Jarvis grapple with wanting to escape these troubled times, yet choosing to remain and use his beautiful, haunting memories to grow into something more. Poetry pairs with effortless, haunting yet soothing vocals to deliver hard-hitting messages in a way that warrants no resistance. And when Jarvis, in his soothing baritone lows tells you on 'Emerald' that "you are adored", you feel ever so gently inclined to believe him.
'Sundry Rock Song Stock' is a record that, in spirit, touches on what it feels like to emerge from a traumatic year, bruised and battered, yet hopeful. It holds all the thematic elements to cradle the pain and loss we've endured but nestles it within a sound that is healing and warm. It might not be everyone's cup of tea sonically, but it is certainly worth a listen even if it isn't necessarily up your alley.
'Sundry Rock Song Stock' is out now on all platforms.