'You' Season 2 Episode 10 Ending Explained: Once a sociopath, always a sociopath?

Contains spoilers for 'You' Season 2 Episode 10
While Love was busy making confessions to Joe about why she killed Delilah and Candice, Forty ends up cracking the entire case. It takes one psycho to know another psycho, and that's exactly what Forty did.
He has been following Beck's posthumous novel very closely and begins to develop all doubts on Joe as she mentions him with a different name. Quickly he catches up with Dr Nick at the prison and finds out the truth masked behind Joe's real personality.
Forty is trying to protect his sister but all is in vain because she has messed up herself and the fact that she already knows the entire truth about Joe's past and present. So there is no way she is going to listen to whatever Forty would say about Joe. Although she loves her brother dearly, she loves Joe a little more than him.
Now what's already established is that Forty is a junkie and a hopeless cause. But somehow, he puts the pieces together and solves the big mystery to warn Love. Meanwhile, Joe makes Ellie run away and start a new life because he's guilty of letting her sister die. Ellie still does not know whether Delilah is dead or alive.
Forty is desperately trying to convince Love that Joe's the bad guy and that she should never be around him. But Love is a manipulative person who is trying to get into his head. He also figures out that Candice was trying to protect the family from Joe.
Enraged by Joe's pattern of lying and murdering people, Forty pulls a gun and threatens to kill him. "The bad want to be punished and if the bad are not caught, they will seek out their own punishment, one way or another," as Joe narrates it. Officer Fincher arrives in the heated moment and shoots Forty dead from the back. To him, it looked like Forty is trying to assault Joe, which in a way is true. Seeking the moment, Joe becomes Love's shoulder to cry on and becomes her comfort zone.
Karma and Joe are in a fight but people get what they deserve and justice seems like a literary conceit. Joe uses excerpts from the novel he has been reading, 'Crime and Punishment' in which the hero either willingly walks into exile or if he gets killed, he receives love and if he repents, he can be redeemed. In Joe's case, the woman and he can be saved.
Joe also says people cannot be saved from themselves and that justifies the reason why Forty died. Joe has a clean-ish slate and right now it looks like he has started a new life with Love. Officer Fincher begins investigating Forty for Henderson's murder. Just like the Quinns hushed up Sophia's murder in the past, they shut down this one and made future investigations radioactive.
It is hard for him to stay sad with a new life growing in Love's womb. She loves him dearly and looks like all is well in paradise. Love suggests that they could be having a daughter and he really wants to be a good father and provide his kids the life he could never have.
Joe's powerful monologue becomes a game-changer and it is by far the biggest plot twist of all time "[...] I thought this was the end. But that's not how destiny works, is it? This is just the beginning... because this is where I had to be exactly...to meet YOU. There you were with your books and your sunshine. So, close but worlds away. I will figure out a way to get to you. See you soon, neighbor."
Joe is such a hoe and a true sociopath who has already imprinted on another woman, who happens to be his neighbor. Does this mean that he will be abandoning Love and their child? Will the next season give us a war between the two sociopaths?
Looks like Season 3 is definitely in the books because somethings NEVER change.
Catch 'You' Season 2 on Netflix premiering on December 26.