It's become impossible to work with Johnny Depp after Amber Heard divorce, here's why

Although Johnny Depp might once have been a much-sought-after actor with offers from the entertainment industry landing at his lap without him having to blink an eye, all of that ended with his very public and messy divorce with Amber Heard. Negative press had an effect on Depp's work and his psyche as well. And that affected people around him as well.
For instance, it became increasingly difficult to work with the 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' actor.
Despite the fact that none of his employees have come out right and discussed the star's erratic behavior — most probably due to the non-disclosure agreements that they might have to sign, which is a standard for all A-list celebrities — working for Depp, whether you are his manager or his bodyguard can't be a piece of cake.
After Heard filed for divorce in 2016, Depp became the subject of extreme negative press. He was accused of domestic abuse and painted as a wife-beater by the media, which brought out the worst in his personality. He was always known to get drunk and depend heavily on weed and other drugs, during his marriage, but after his divorce, Depp had no control over his impulses, making him unpredictable as a boss as well.
According to The Things, here are a few reasons working for Depp could prove to be difficult:
He still acts like a superstar
Although Depp used to have an estimated net worth of $400 million, it is now down to $200 million and it is largely due to the fact that his career hit a dry patch after he was called out by his ex-wife as a domestic abuser. He was sacked from the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie franchise, although there are now talks about Disney considering reinstating him in the next installment.

However, that has not stopped him from behaving like he is still the crème de la crème of Hollywood, throwing tantrums and making impulsive purchases.
He spends a ton
Speaking of expensive buys, it's either very good or very bad for the employees, depending upon a number of circumstances.
So far he has spent around $75 million for some 14 residences, including a private island in the Bahamas. Needless to say, it means that he is always employing new staff to look after the impulsive real estate investments that he keeps on making. This means that working for Depp could end up being a vacation on the beach for all you know since he can't definitely be at every place at the same time.
But it can be bad news for someone who has worked for him for ages and has the actor's best interests at their heart. They will probably try and knock some sense into Depp and try and stop him from say, spending $18 million on a yacht or buying guitars, cars, and art at the drop of a hat. That would be a bad idea as the employee in question might risk losing his or her job over their concern.
Depp has a 5-house Hollywood Hills compound, on which he spent millions by purchasing 45 cars and costly houseplants for the properties. So employees working in higher up posts might also find themselves with a watering can and a tub of car wax and told to get to work when there is a shortage of staff.
Protecting Depp from Depp
Depp's friends and staffers are always saying that Depp's life has been divided into two phases — Before Heard and after Heard. After his divorce, Depp was reduced to a sulking, depressed mess unable to keep a lid on his mood swings. This was fueled by the fact that he was almost always under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He began spending around $30,000 a month on wine and was seldom seen without a glass, no matter the time of day.

When a drunk or drugged up Depp ends up at a public event that is often crawling with paparazzi or even staggers along the streets, employees close to him, especially his bodyguards are often seen wrapping their hands around his body from behind and guiding his movements. However, Depp sometimes makes their job difficult by unleashing his violent streak and shooing them away from him.
Security guards who have worked with Depp in the past have claimed that they were "asked repeatedly to drive vehicles that contained illegal substances” and “open containers". They also were asked to wipe powdery substances off his face at times. As a result, there is also the risk for employees to get exposed to drugs and alcohol in Depp's presence.
Mentioning Amber Heard is forbidden
Amber Heard has become something of a trigger word for Depp and no matter what new developments are in the $50-million lawsuit the actor filed against his ex last year for defamation, unless Depp voluntarily starts a discussion about it, the staff is told to avoid bringing up her name in front of the man.
Depp forgets to pay on time
In 2018, security guards who had been working for him sued him, claiming he never paid them "overtime and rest" fees, which is required by law. They also never allegedly received the mandated "meal or rest breaks," as a result of which they quit.