Woman who dropped out of school at 16 after being bullied now runs a $1.3 million a year business
Liv Conlon from Glasgow started ThePropertyStagers, which furnishes empty homes, with no financial backing and turned it into a successful business

This is the story of Liv Conlon who left her school at 16 after being bulled to start her own business which now turns over £1million ($1.3 million) a year. When the straight-A student from Glasgow told her teachers she was dropping out before her final year to start her own interior design company, they were stunned. However, the business is so successful that Liv, now 20, hired her mum and her brother to work for her, according to Mirror.
At a tender age of 13, the young entrepreneur made £5,000 ($6,451) from her first business importing goods from China and selling them online. With zero financial backing, she would later start ThePropertyStagers — a service that furnishes empty homes to make them sales-ready.