Woman saws off her hand with the help of her family to claim $430,000 in insurance scam

A 21-year-old woman in Slovenia has now been accused of insurance fraud after she used a circular saw to cut off her hand so that she could get hundreds of thousands of Euros in insurance payouts. The authorities in the capital city of Ljubljana said that her family was also present and helped her carry out the gruesome act in their home. After the young woman's hand had been cut off above the wrist, her family rushed her to the hospital and said that she injured herself when she was sawing branches.
The BBC reported that the woman's severed hand was left behind in the home to make sure that her newfound disability was permanent.
The police, however, were able to pick up the severed limb in time for the doctors to sew it back on. According to AFP, the incident took place just before the family took out life and injury insurance contracts with five different companies.