Woman who went gray 'overnight' at 21 feels sexier than ever at 43, says having children made her embrace the look

A woman who had her hair turn grey when she was just 21 now says having kids has made her embrace her looks and that she now feels sexier than ever before.
43-year-old neuroscientist and author, Sara Eisenman, who hails from Sedona, Arizona, was left feeling mortified when she looked in the mirror at 21 and saw that her hair had started to turn gray.
Eisenman took her changing hair color as a sign of aging.

The now mother-of-two immediately started to hide her silver hair and dyed it every two weeks as she was petrified of other people seeing her natural color, reported Daily Mail.
However, Eisenman's mindset towards her hair started to change after she became a mother. She says she eventually realized that there were more important things in life than the color of her hair. "My life changed with my two small children who needed me constantly in the early years, as all kids need their parents, and it made coloring my hair seem so much less important."
At 37, after spending 15 years of her life excessively coloring her hair, Eisenman ditched the dye and started to view her silver hair as a "crown" and found that she felt completely liberated and reborn.
Her husband Hanan too supported her decision to embrace her natural beauty.
However, when she confided in her friends, she was told that she would look aged and like a witch.

However, the determined woman proved them all wrong and found that her natural color had a vibrancy and sparkle that dyes didn't.
Instead of feeling as though she is in decline, Eisenman now has more energy than ever before, looks and feels the best she has done in her life. She says it's all thanks to embracing her natural silver hair.
When Eisenman leaves the house, she is met with praise from other women who thank her for embracing her natural hair color and for breaking the stigma surrounding gray hair.
Although not everyone understands her decision to keep it natural, she doesn't care about other people's opinions as she is the happiest she has ever been since throwing away the dye.

In fact, she says she feels way 'sexier' now more than ever.
"The silver hair had a reflective, brilliant almost mirror-like quality to it. It would reflect the sunsets on the beach or the pure desert light, and it would sparkle. Very few people know that silver hair actually has a natural brilliance and magic to it, that is only dulled and deadened with dye," she explained.
"I feel like my hair is a symbol of natural beauty and freedom, and I'm extremely grateful to play any role I can in helping women discover how amazing they truly are, how free and fun life can be, and how we can find sisterhood and community in it all," she added.