Woman on dream holiday rejects boyfriend's long-planned proposal because it was 'in a hotel room'

An anonymous woman rejected her boyfriend's proposal as she did not like the fact that he had proposed to her in their hotel room. The almost-groom revealed how he had worked very hard to plan their three-year anniversary by flying his girlfriend to South East Asia before proposing.
However, unfortunately for him, things did not go according to plan even though the girl had initially said "yes". Just after the couple got engaged in Cambodia, the woman gave the ring back to her fiancé because she wanted a more thoughtful proposal. The man took to Reddit to share, "I decided to propose to my girl of three years on our three year anniversary. I flew her to Vietnam and after a couple of weeks traveling we ended up in Cambodia." He added that he had planned their entire itinerary around what was on her bucket list which also included seeing the Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia.